WWE SummerSlam Results (8/21) – Lesnar vs Orton, Styles/Cena, Two New Champions Crowned, More

First Match: Enzo Amore & Big Cass vs. Chris Jericho & Kevin Owens 

Jericho and Owens knocks Cass off the ring apron. Jericho with a suplex to Enzo. Jericho kicks Enzo in the gut. Jericho with a series of knife edge chops to Enzo. Enzo ducks a clothesline from Jericho. Enzo connects with the crossbody. Enzo with a clubbing right hand to Jericho for a two count. Cass tags himself in. Jericho tags in Owens. Cass launches Owens into the ring. Cass with a series of right hands to Owens in the corner. Owens applies a side headlock. Cass with a back drop to Owens. Cass bodyslams Owens. Cass tags in Enzo. Cass bodyslams Enzo onto Owens for a two count. Owens tags in Jericho. Enzo with a deep armdrag. Cass launches Enzo onto Jericho and Owens.

Enzo with a corner mount to Jericho. Jericho with a flying leg lariat off the second rope for a two count. Jericho tags in Owens. Owens lands a vicious knife edge chop to Enzo. Jericho with a series of clubbing blows to the back. Jericho applies a rear chin lock. Jericho with a dropkick to Enzo. Jericho tags in Owens. Owens with a knee to the gut of Enzo. Owens connects with the flying senton. Owens runs the ropes and goes into the rear chin lock. Owens connects with a forearm that sends Enzo into the corner. Enzo knocks Jericho off the ring apron. Owens drags Enzo out of the ring. Enzo connects with a enziguri.

Jericho with a Springboard Dropkick that knocks Cass off the ring apron. Owens connects with the Frog Splash for a two count. Owens stomps on Enzo’s chest in the corner. Owens whips Enzo off the top rope. Owens goes for the Cannonball, but Enzo ducks out of the way. Enzo tags in Cass. Cass with a shoulder tackle to Jericho. Cass lands a big boot that knocks Jericho off the ring apron. Cass with the Empire Elbow for a two count. Jericho goes for the flying axe handle, but Cass counters with a big boot. Enzo and Cass goes for the Rocket Launcher, but Owens distracts Enzo. Owens sends Enzo shoulder first into the barricade. Owens with the Cannonball to Cass on the ring apron. Enzo plants Jericho with the DDG for a two count as Owens breaks the pin attempt. Owens launches Enzo into a Codebreaker from Jericho to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Chris Jericho & Kevin Owens