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WWE NXT Results (10/12): The Dusty Rhodes Classic Continues, Shinsuke Nakamura Confronts Samoa Joe!

First Round Match in the Dusty Rhodes Classic: TM61 vs Tino Sabbatelli and Riddick Moss

Moss and Miller kick the match off. Moss traps Millier in the corner and smacks him in the face. The Referee breaks it up. Miller traps Moss in the corner. The Referee breaks it up. Miller whips Moss into the ropes but Moss floors him with a shoulder block. Miller tags in Thorne, who hits a senton on Moss. Miller is back in. Miller whips Moss into the corner. Miller tags in Thorne. Miller and Thorne hit a tandem moonsault/fist drop. Thorne sets ups for an outside dive, but Sabbatelli pulls down the top rope, which causes Thorne to tumble to the outside.

After the break, Moss suplexes Thorne. Sabbatelli tags in and beats down Thorne in the corner. Moss tags back in and destroys Thorne with a running back elbow. Thorne attempts a springboard splash, bit Sabbatelli catches him in a powerslam for a two count. Moss and Sabbatelli take turns beating down Thorne. Thorne manages to tag in Miller. Miller hits the ring and clears the ring. Miller hits a delay vertical suplex on Moss. Sabbatelli breaks up the three count. TM61 hits Thunder Valley on Sabbatelli to get the three count.

Winners- TM61


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