TNA Impact Wrestling Results (11/17) – What Happen To Broken Matt’s Memory ?, The DCC In Action, Rex vs Godderz

Fourth Match: Basille Baraka vs. Mahabali Shera 

Baraka and Shera engage in back and forth right hands. Baraka rakes the eyes of Shera. Baraka with a running STO. Baraka chokes Shera. Baraka rams his knee to the back of Shera’s neck. Baraka with a forearm strike to the chest of Shera. Shera ducks a clothesline from Baraka. Shera with a running haymaker. Baraka with a running crossbody for a two count. Baraka goes to the ground and pound attack. Baraka with a clubbing blow to the back of Shera. Baraka lands a leg drop for a two count.

Baraka rams Shera’s back on the canvas. Baraka goes for a flying crossbody off the second rope, but Shera catches him in mid-air. Shera drops Baraka with a powerslam. Shera sends Baraka shoulder first into the top turnbuckle. Shera with a Stinger Splash. Shera connects with the flying shoulder tackle. Shera bodyslams Baraka. Shera goes for a submission hold, but Baraka rolls him up with hand full of tights for a two count.

Shera with a huge bodyslam. Shera gets Baraka in the Camel Clutch and Baraka taps out. After the match, Baron Dax attacks Shera from behind. Dax connects with Final Judgment. Baraka with a low blow to Shera. AL Snow comes down to the ring with a coaches whistle. The Tribunal tells AL Snow to get the hell out of here. Al Snow comes into the ring and starts attacking The Tribunal. The Tribunal heads to the back. AL Snow and Shera do the mega power’s handshake.

Winner: Mahabali Shera via Submission