Photo Credit: WWE

WWE RAW Results (12/05): Huge Matches Signed for Roadblock, Reigns Defends the U.S. Title, Charlotte Confronts Ric Flair!

Jack Gallagher vs Ariya Daivari 

Daivari grabs a wrist lock. Gallagher thinks about reversing it… no he changed his mind… wait he is going to reverse it… nope… Ok, NOW Gallagher reverses it into a spinning hammerlock. Daivari reverses that and locks in a side headlock. Gallagher handstands out of it and walks away (on his hands). Gallagher walks into a stun gun. Daivari gets a two count. Daivari stomps on Gallagher’s chest then locks in another headlock. Daivari attempts a suplex, but Gallagher flips out of it and lands two consecutive dropkicks. Daivari punches Gallagher in the gut. Gallagher surprises Daivari with a headbutt. Daivari tumbles into the corner. Gallagher obliterates Daivari with a sick running corner dropkick in the corner for the win!

Winner- Jack Gallagher

After the match, Gallagher tries to shake Daivari’s hand. Daivari attacks Gallagher. Daivari assaults Gallagher’s knee.

Backstage, Titus O’Neil is passing out flyers for his match against Mark Henry.


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