Impact Wrestling Results (2/9): Edwards/Lashley The Finale, Galloway vs Shera, The Hardy’s Travel To Tijuana

First Match: Eli Drake & Tyrus vs. The DCC in a Three on Two Handicap Tag Team Match

Tyrus and Kingston starts things off. Tyrus is mauling Kingston in the corner. Tyrus with a right hand to the ribs of Kingston. Tyrus connects with a exploder suplex. Tyrus drags Kingston to the corner and tags in Eli Drake. Drake with a falling elbow drop for a two count. Drake with a series of clubbing blows to the back of Kingston. Kingston rakes the eyes of Drake. Kingston tags in Bram. Bram lands a big right hand in the corner. Drake dives over Bram. Drake with a powerslam for a one count. Drake with a falling lariat. Drake transitions into a ground and pound attack. Drake starts working on the back of Bram.

Drake with a snap suplex for a two count. Bram lands a couple jabs to the jaw of Drake. Tyrus is tagged back in. Tyrus with a springboard stomp across the chest of Bram. Tyrus and Drake are cutting the ring in half. Tyrus lands a couple more shots in the corner. Drake spits at the DCC. Drake chokes Bram with his boot. Drake lands a back elbow in the corner. Drake goes for a flying lariat, but Bram swats him away in mid-air. Bram tags in Storm.

Storm with an atomic drop followed by a clothesline. Drake sends Storm to the ring apron. Storm lands a enziguri. Storm follows that up with the swinging neck breaker. Storm drops Drake with the Last Call SuperKick. Drake tags in Tyrus. Storm lands a series of right hands, but Tyurs is firing up. Storm taunts Tyrus with dinosaur hand gestures. Tyrus drops Storm with a big right hand. The DCC comes in, but Tyrus knocks them down as well. Eli Drake walks to the back. Tyrus with a double clothesline to Kingstom and Bram. Tyrus with a exploder suplex to Kingston. Storm with a Last Call SuperKick to Tyrus to pickup the victory.

Winner: The DCC