Figure Friday: WWE Battle Pack 45 The Revival, Ringside Collectibles Exclusive Display Stands (Photos)

Hey guys and welcome to another Figure Friday! Thanks to everyone who voted on my Twitter, I appreciate it! This week we take a look at The Revival, Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder, as well as some Exclusive action figure display stands from Ringside Collectibles! Say yeah!

Before we get started I’d just like to say I was really excited to get these as it’s their first figures and they look pretty good! I got mine at as they are currently only available there.

Taking a glimpse at Dash and Dawson in the packaging you can see they’re in the typical Battle Pack 2-pack style packaging. Also in the set are Enzo & Cass, Triple H & Road Dogg and AJ Styles & Roman Reigns. These sets used to come with accessories but it seems Mattel replaced accessories with adding an extra set of figures into the lineup in each wave as it used to be three versus four, which is good and bad. Sometimes we’d only get certain accessories in these sets. For example, NXT tag titles would’ve been a great accessory for these guys. So that’s the one downside but you still get some nice figures regardless. If you’re unfamiliar with the Battle Pack figures they are Basics, meaning they don’t have the Elite articulation like the chest joint or ball jointed legs, double jointed knees or rocking ankle joints unfortunately.

Looking at Dawson first you can see he has his angry head scan, which looks pretty good in my opinion. I was excited to get his figure as he has a unique look with his beard and all, also love his boot detail. The figure is pretty plain but they have a simple look, which Mattel captured well. You can see his hand/wrist tape on his right hand, his thin rubber elbow pad that restricts the movement a little bit but still adds authenticity, the logo designs on his front and back side of his trunks as well as the thin rubber knee pads and painted padding underneath. Lastly, looking at his boots, one of my favorite details on the figure, with the awesome designs.

Now let’s take a look at Dash. Dash, too, has a plain look but it’s captured well. His head scan looks pretty accurate to me, I feel they did a great job on both of their head scans honestly. Dash has his tattoo on his back shoulder as well as his tattoo on his left side plus the designs on his trunks. He has some unique wrist tape, alternating on both wrists, which is a nice touch. He, too, has thin rubber knee pads as well as painted padding underneath and lastly his cool style boots with the silver designs, which I think are pretty neat.

For two guys who are quite simple looking, their figures are pretty cool. I, of course, wish they were Elite as they’d have more poseability and detail in general, but for now these will do. It’s hard to do photography with them as they’re restricting due to their lack of articulation but they’re still great for playability or display. If you have any older WWE Jakks or Mattel accessories give Dawson a towel and both of them some jackets to recreate their entrance look as seen above. It makes the figures pop. I honestly do recommend these figures as we have no idea if and when we will see Elites of them any time soon. Don’t miss out!

Moving on to the display stands you can only get on, these come in 10-packs in a variety of colors, making it great for those of you who display your action figures. The best part is that you don’t even have to use them for wrestling figures as they’ll go along with any 6-inch style action figure you own. What’s cool, too, is that they come in different colors. So let’s say you had a SmackDown Live shelf and a RAW shelf then a Legends shelf and NXT shelf, there’s colors for all of those. Blue for SmackDown, Red for RAW, Gold or Black for Legends and/or NXT and so on. They even come in white and clear depending on what you prefer. They do say Ringside Collectibles and on them as well. These sit nice and snug under your figure’s feet so they don’t risk falling over and potentially breaking, as we know figures can fall off displays quite easily. I do recommend them if you display your figures as the color coordination really helps collectors whom like to display according to current rosters.

That’s it for this week’s Figure Friday. Look for an all-NEW episode of Figure 2 Photo on Monday on the WrestleZone Facebook and YouTube channels showing how I made the challenging Shatter Machine photo above! If you’d like to stay up to date on all the latest wrestling figure news as well as my latest wrestling figure photography and other projects follow me on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube!

Thanks and I’ll see you next week!


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