Kurt Angle
(Photo by Dave Kotinsky/Getty Images)

Dr. Harold Jonas Talks Working with Kurt Angle On The Anglestrong App and Helping People Deal with Substance Abuse Recovery

The latest episode of WrestleZone Radio’s WZ Weekly was released earlier this afternoon. It features a “Spotlight Interview” with Dr. Harold Jonas.

Dr. Jonas has partnered with WWE Hall of Famer Kurt Angle to launch the Anglestrong app which is an app to help people dealing with substance abuse issues recover. Kurt Angle will be appearing next week on WZ Weekly to discuss the app and his work with Dr. Jonas even further.

Some of Dr. Jonas’ comments have been transcribed below. You can download the Anglestrong app from the iTunes store by clicking HERE.

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On how Dr. Jonas and Kurt Angle partnered up to bring people struggling with substance abuse recovery the Anglestrong app:

Dr. Jonas: We came across an interview with another website with similar information gathering that we do and dissemination. That site is called TheFix.com. They had done an interview with Kurt and in that content one of our staff editors read it, she’s a big wrestling fan, and she said, “Dr. Jonas you are not going to believe this! Kurt Angle is looking for a web partner to build an app for him so he can talk about his recovery and help others that are struggling like he is with opioids and are in the recovery process. He’s looking for someone.” I jumped all over the opportunity. That was June 2016 when that article was published. We started to chase Kurt through our public relations people and started to pitch him this concept of putting our mobile app with his name on it to reach his fanbase as well as others that are struggling.

On Kurt’s story and why he is the perfect fit to promote the app:

Dr. Jonas: His story is pretty well publicized. Obviously you do your due diligence with a new business partner on any level. You want to do some research and it’s pretty well out there, thanks to the media, what kind of experiences he got himself in to. None of them are real pretty or attractive. Kurt has an extensive history of substance abuse as a result of his injuries. His seven time broken neck, rehabs and substance abuse. When the pain killers got such a high threshold the doctors were really wary about continuing to subscribe. He had been intervened upon by the McMahons. He had been intervened upon by TNA and pushed in to a treatment setting. He then switched from the pain killers to alcohol. Over a four year period he got like five DUIs. Just horrible things that occurred in his life because of his substance abuse his health was threatened. He’s a pretty good candidate for recovery which he is in now currently and has been for four years running. Which is fantastic.

You can hear Dr. Jonas talk more about working with Kurt, how the Anglestrong app works and more in the embedded audio player at the top of the post.

Related: Kurt Angle Comments On WWE Return, Recovery From Addiction (Audio)

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