WWE RAW Results (6/12): Samoa Joe Confronts Brock Lesnar, Huge 2-Out-of-3 Falls Tag Team Title Main Event!

wwe raw resultsWWE RAW Results

June 12th, 2017
Report By Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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In Ring Segment: Brock Lesnar w/Paul Heyman

Heyman says he is here tonight to unleash the Beast. It’s Samoa Joe’s day of reckoning which will be administered by the reigning and defending Universal Champion, Brock Lesnar. Last week, Heyman showed Joe respect that he seemingly deserved. Joe tricked Heyman into the ring and took him out. Heyman says he could understand if he had an issue with Joe in the past. He didn’t have an issue before but he has one now. Heyman thought Joe would be the worst case scenario but Joe proved otherwise last week. There have been many Samoans in this business but none of them want anything to do with Samoa Joe. They are all related, except Joe. Heyman adds that Joe’s claim to fame is that he put the Coquina Clutch on Paul Heyman. The Coquina Clutch is everything that Joe said it was. Heyman thought what would happen if Joe put the Clutch on Lesnar? What would happen to the Universal Championship? Heyman proclaims that Samoa Joe will NEVER get the Coquina Clutch on Lesnar!

Joe’s music hits and Joe marches down to the ring. Heyman bolts with the Universal title. Joe gets right in Lesnar’s face. Joe headbutts Lesnar and reins down lefts and rights. Lesnar forces Joe into the corner and shoulder blocks him over and over again. Kurt Angle runs out onto the ramp and sends security down tot he ring. Lesnar and Joe beat the crap out of the security. Angle clears out the locker room. The WWE Superstars separate Lesnar and Joe. Joe manages to break free and superkicks Lesnar. Lesnar hits the mat like a sack of potatoes. The Superstars drag Joe out of the ring. Lesnar tries to continue his attack but he is held back as we cut to commercial.


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