GFW Impact Wrestling TV Taping Results For 7/20 and 7/27 *Spoilers*


Source: Jacob Cohen / Edward Ritlop 

The following results are tonight’s Impact Wrestling TV tapings results at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida:

Mayor Buddy Dyer proclaims today “Impact Wrestling Day” in Orlando. Jeremy Borash brings Tony Marrero to the ring, then it’s announced that Dyer will commentate a match later in the show.

JB tells the crowd that Grado is trying to marry a US citizen to remain in the country due to his visa expiring, then asks Laurel Van Ness out on a date.

Eli Drake, Chris Adonis & EC3 defeated Marufuji, Eddie Edwards & Moose

– EC3 gets the pin with a new double undertook-into-a pedigree-type move. Really strong showing by everyone. Mayor Buddy Dyer was on commentary for this match and posed for a photo op with Edwards, Moose and Marufuji after the match.

Sienna defeated Amber Nova

Sienna comes out from the crowd &  attacks from behind. She wins a 30 second match & calls out Karen Jarrett. Sienna tells her she wants her to get on her knees & tell her she’s the greatest KO champion. Karen refuses & Sienna threatens her, but Allie tries to interfere with her kendo stick, but is jumped from behind by Laurel; Rosemary comes down to even the odds, but she’s beat down & Gail Kim comes to clear out Laurel & Sienna. Karen announces next week it’s Sienna vs Rosemary  for the KO’s tilted in a Last Woman Standing Match. This looked like it was a segment from the previous night’s tapings that was re-taped.

Super X Cup

Taiji Ishimori defeated Davey Richards

Lashley says he is not impressed with guys asking for title shots, and if anyone gets in his way he will break them in half. Lashley says he wants his title match at Destination X and calls out Bruce Prichard to make it official. Bruce comes out and says he made a decision on this last week, and Lashley did deserve his rightful title shot. Matt Sydal comes out but Lashley ignores him initially, but then tries to spear him only to have Sydal knee him in the face and hit a Shooting Star Press.

Knockouts Championship (Last Knockout Standing)

Sienna (c) defeated Rosemary to retain

– Rosemary is in control & brings out a table-which wasn’t used-yet I’m betting. They fight in the stands on the far side by the ramp. Sienna dumps Rosemary over the top rope stomach first onto the floor. Rosemary battles back with a Red Wedding, but KM comes in the ring to help Sienna up before the 10 count. Rosemary chases him off with a chair. Rosemary gets a trash can & puts it between Sienna’s legs & looks to be going for a coast-to-coast, but KM tries to stop her & he get sprayed with MIST. Sienna gets up & throws the trash can at Rosemary knocking her off the top rope to the floor through another table that was set up & that’s enough for the finish. Sienna wins a good match with a bit of a controversial finish.