WWE 205 Live Results (7/11): Cedric Alexander vs Noam Darr “I QUIT” Match, Akira Tozawa vs Ariya Daivari, TJ Perkins in Action

Rich Swann vs. Mario Conners

TJ Perkins (or TJP…it’s hard to tell at this point) makes his way out before the match to get a better look at things. Conners, filling the random jobber slot of the night, actually gets some good offense at the start including a nice running knee strike. He works over Swann for a few minutes and connects with an absurd tilt-a-whirl DDT. Conners went to a side headlock as Perkins looks on, but Swann fought his way out and hit a rolling kick to the side of the head for two. He went to the top rope and came down with a picture-perfect Frog Splash to pick up the win. // Winner: Rich Swann

– Perkins gets on the mic after the match and asks if Swann is happy with his performance here tonight. He says that a win is a win, but he expected more out of somebody that was able to beat him last week. Perkins said that if it were him he would have won the match in half the time. He calls Conners “slugger” and offers him a second chance to go one-on-one with him right now. Conners is basically dead but accepts the match anyways. Perkins asks production to put up the time that it took Swann to win his match on the tron, which was 3:49.

TJ Perkins vs. Mario Conners

The bell rings and Conners limps his way to the center of the ring, but Perkins hits him with a dropkick to the knees. Conners tries for a rollup out of nowhere but Perkins kicked out and hit the Detonation Kick to win in 28 seconds. // Winner: TJ Perkins

– Jack Gallagher’s music plays but Brian Kendrick comes out instead, dressed up in a suit with the weird wig once again. Kendrick mocks Gallagher’s funny mustache and entire ridiculous gimmick, but calls him a third rate William Regal and he’s sick of the disrespect. He goes on about having to work and claw to make his way back to the WWE to perform at the best of his ability, but Gentlemen Jack hasn’t done a single day of hard work in his entire life and yet the people love him. Eventually Gallagher comes out and takes offense to anyone questioning his work ethic. He says he’s been fighting since the age of 16 and understand that being on 205 Live is a privilege. Jack congratulates Kendrick on his second chance, since he squandered his first chance being a passive aggressive git. He says he stands up for anyone that wants to be a little bit different, and has earned the right to compete the way he wants to compete, because he can walk the walk and back it up. Jack threatens him, saying if he questions his dedication ever again he’ll knock his bloody head off. Kendrick keeps trash talking and the two come to blows, with Gallagher laying him out with a sick headbutt. TBK recovers and destroys Jack with his umbrella, breaking it over his back over and over again.


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