GFW Impact Results (8/24): A Gauntlet for the Gold to Crown a New GFW Champion, And More!

Backstage, Cornette is talking with Eddie Edwards. Cornette says he knows Edwards got a crummy number but Anthem and Cornette would be proud to have Edwards as champ.

In the hideout, Konnan takes a tally of all illegal enterprises LAX has going on. Konnan tells Low-Ki to whip everyone’s A$$ tonight.

Gauntlet For The Gold

Eddie Edwards and Eli Drake are the first two entrants in the match. Drake bad mouths Edwards. Edwards chops Drake in the chest. Side headlock Drake. Edwards takes Drake over for two consecutive arm drags. Drake tries to pull down the top rope but Edwards puts on the brakes. As its time for the third entrant to join the match.

Entrant #3: Mario Bokara

Bokara waist locks Edwards and walks around the ring. Bokara overhead German suplexes Edwards. Bokara and Drake stomp Edwards. Drake kicks Bokara in the gut. Edwards almost knocks Bokara off the top rope.

Entrant #4: Kingston

Kingston beats down everyone.

Entrant #5: Braxton Sutter

Sutter neck breakers Bokara. Kingston runs right into a power slam by Sutter. Bokara German suplexes Drake.

Entrant #6: Standby Wrestler Richard Justice

Justice does a few squats before getting in the ring. Justice is walking around the ring asking if he can help anyone. Everyone tells him to beat it. Justice goes over to the corner and does more squats.


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