WWE RAW Results (9/25) The Miz Makes A Statement, Enzo’s Title Celebration Doesn’t Go As Planned, And Much More!

In Ring Segment: Elias

Elias says he walked right though Apollo Crews last night. The people in the area are in luck because they get to see the encore. Elias sings about wiping the smile off Crews’ face. Crews’ music hits and Elias is apoplectic.

Apollo Crews w/Titus O’Neil vs Elias

Crews forces Elias into the corner. Crews locks in a top wrist lock. Crews transitions into a side headlock. Elias whips Crews into the corner. Elias charges in but Crews leapfrogs over him, does a cartwheel into a backflip, then hits a dropkick. Gotcha clothesline by Crews. Crews sets Elias on the apron. Crews kick Elias in the head. Elias tumbles to the floor. Crews and O’Neil celebrate. Elias kicks O’Neil in the knee. Crews sends Elias back into the ring. As Crews gets back in the ring, Elias kicks him in the face and hits Drift Away for the win.

Winner- Elias

After the match, Elias attacks O’Neil. O’Neil picks up Elias and drives him into the corner. O’Neil tees off on Elias. Elias escapes up the ramp.



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