GFW Impact Results (10/19) American Top Team Runs Roughshod, Rosemary Takes On Taya Valkyrie In The Main Event!

James Storm vs Eddie Edwards vs El Hijo El Fantasma vs Texano vs EC3 (From Mexico City)

As soon as the bell rings a huge brawl breaks out. Storm and Texano battle on the outside of the ring. EC3 gets a near fall on Texano after a clothesline. Texano fires up and takes out Strom and Edwards. EC3 destroys Texano with another clothesline. Double suplex on Texano by Edwards and EC3. Storm tries to pin Texano but Edwards and EC3 protest. The GFW stars are working together but this match is every man for himself. Fantasma boots Texano in the face. Fantasma picks up Texano and hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Fantasma hits a springboard cross body on Edwards. Edwards kicks out. EC3 sends Texano over the top rope with a low bridge.

Storm and Edwards hit a combo back cracker/double foot stomp off the top on Fantasma. Storm goes for the pin but EC3 pulls Storm off Fantasma. EC3 and Storm argue. EC3 pushes Storm into Edwards. EC3 rolls up Storm but Storm manages to kick out. Texano sidewalk slams Edwards. Fantasma dropkicks Storm from off the top. EC3 lands the TK3 on Fantasma. Texano and EC3 clothesline each other at the same time. Everyone is down! Texano and Storm work try to work together but Fantasma sends them both to the outside. Edwards hits the ropes but Texano pulls him out of the ring and tosses him into the ring steps. Fantasma hits a modified tombstone piledriver on EC3. Texano gives Storm a chair and tells him to hit Fantasma’s father (who is doing the Spanish commentary) with it. Storm looks to be considering it. Fantasma kicks the chair into Storm’s face. Texano knocks Fantasma off the apron and pins EC3.

Winner- Texano


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