GFW Impact Results (10/19) American Top Team Runs Roughshod, Rosemary Takes On Taya Valkyrie In The Main Event!

oVe travels to Mexico to find Konnan. Dave says he is going to reunite Konnan with the tag titles tonight. At an undisclosed location, Konnan is told the gringos are back and they are looking for him. Konnan says that the gringos can chop it up with him if they defend the GFW tag titles at The CRASH. If they win and ONLY if they win, they can get an audience with Konnan.

EC3, Edwards, and Storm argue in the back. Edwards tells Storm and EC3 need to work out their issues. There is no way they can beat Team AAA if they don’t get along. Storm says one way or another they will fix this.

Backstage, Dan Lambert yells at Jim Cornette.

Dezmond Xavier vs Andrew Everett w/Trevor Lee and Caleb Konley

Everett gets the early advantage after the distraction by Lee. Xavier takes Everett over with backflip head scissors. Everett cartwheels out of it. Xavier sends Everett out of the ring. Xavier hits the ropes but Lee trips him. Everett gets back in the ring and stomps on Xavier. Leg drop for a near fall by Everett. Everett sends Xavier to the outside. Lee and Konley stomp Xavier. Everett tries a standing moonsault. Everett gets his knees up. Xavier hits a snap cutter on Everett. Xavier back body drops Everett to the outside. Xavier hits a topé con hilo onto Everett and Konley. Xavier tosses Everett back into the ring. Xavier goes up top. Lee gets on the apron. Everett attacks Xavier while he is distracted. Xavier manages to hit his tumbling Pelé kick for the win.

Winner- Dezmond Xavier


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