impact wrestling

2/8 Impact Wrestling Results: Aries Speaks Out, OVE Attacks Lashley, New #1 Contender Confirmed

#1 Contender’s Match (World Championship)
Moose vs EC3 vs Alberto El Patron vs Johnny Impact

Moose and EC3 fight right on the floor while Alberto and Johnny fight in the corner. Alberto knocks Johnny down and rushes Moose, then they fight back to the floor and garbage cans and other weapons are involved. They fight near the guardrail before getting Moose gets back in and hits EC3 with a powerbomb while Johnny hits one on Alberto in stereo. Alberto comes back with a double knee armbreaker, but Moose gets right back into it with a clothesline. He goes for Go To Hell but it gets countered, then EC3 tries to take Moose down but Johnny takes EC3 down first and heads up top.

Johnny sets up Countdown To Impact but Alberto hits a step up enziguiri, then Alberto hits EC3 with a second one and Alberto calls for a Cross Armbreaker. Moose breaks it up with a senton and he clotheslines Alberto to the floor, then he goes for a baseball slide but Alberto sidesteps and superkicks him. Johnny springboards up and hits Alberto with an enziguiri on the apron, EC3 tries to steal it with a rollup, but Johnny blocks it and rolls through to take it with a bridging pin.

Winner – Johnny Impact



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