impact wrestling

Impact Wrestling: Crossroads Results (3/8): New Champions Crowned, Who Is The Impact World Champion?

Earlier today when asked if she is ready for tonight Allie says if this was a few months ago she would say no. Today? She is ready. She is going to win the Knockouts Championship and dedicate it to her mentor, Gail Kim.

Knockouts Championship Match: Laurel Van Ness (c) vs Allie

Before LVN can get down the ramp Allie attacks her. LVN almost hits the Unprettier but Allie avoids it. Allie and LVN eventually make their way back into the ring. Basement elbow by Allie. Allie misses a knee trembler. LVN sends Allie into the ring post. Hangman’s DDT by LVN for a near fall. LVN chokes Allie on the middle rope. LVN slams Allie’s head into the mat over and over again. Running neck snap by LVN. Allie slaps LVN and blasts her with a German suplex. LVN misses a splash off the top. Allie fires up and lands multiple strikes. Allie kicks LVN in the butt, sending her head first into the turnbuckle. Exploder into the corner by Allie. LVN kicks out. LVN tries to boot Allie, but Allie catches her foot and tosses LVN over the top rope.

Allie follows LVN outside. LVN pushes Allie into the ring apron. LVN sits Allie in a chair. LVN charges in but Allie moves out of the way. Allie puts LVN in the chair and hits her basement elbow. Allie tries to bring LVN back into the ring but LVN surprises Allie with the Unprettier out on the floor! Allie barely makes it back into the ring to break the count. LVN stomps Allie’s head into the turnbuckle over and over again. Curb stomp by LVN. Allie gets her hand on the rope to break the count. LVN is livid. LVN grabs the title belt and tries to hit Allie with it. Allie ducks and hits the Allie-Valley Driver. Allie tuns up the band and hits a superkick for the win!

Winner and NEW Knockouts Champion, Allie!

Backstage, Gail Kim congratulates Allie on her win.