WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (3/14) Dusty Classic Continues, Dunne Defends Against Cole!

United Kingdom Championship Match: Pete Dunne (c) vs Adam Cole w/Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly

Before the match starts Dunne leaves the ring and gets in Fish and O’Reilly’s faces. Cole attacks Dunne as soon as he gets back in the ring. Dunne destroys Cole with a right hand. Dunne steps on Cole’s head while bending all of Cole’s fingers. Dunne steps on Coles’ hand. Dunne tries to German suplex Cole on the apron. A back elbow by Cole breaks it up. Cole puts his arm on the rope. Dunne hits a stomp off the top rope onto Cole injured arm/elbow. Dunne hits the X-Plex onto the apron. Dunne sends Cole back into the ring. After a distraction by Fish, Cole sends Dunne to the outside. Dunne is clutching his knee. After the break, Cole tries to suplex Dunne. Dunne reverses it into an X-Plex. Cole and Dunne trade punches. Cole sends Dunne into the corner. Dunne runs up the ropes and does a backflip. Dunne blast Cole with an enziguri. Dunne hits another top rope stomp to Cole’s arm. Sitout powerbomb by Dunne for a near fall. Punt kick by Dunne. Dunne sets up the Bitter End. Cole counters into a back cracker.

Cole tries another suplex. Dunne reverses it into a double wrist lock/guillotine combo. Cole escapes and boots Dunne in the face. Cole hits the Ushigoroshi for a near fall. Cole bad mouths Dunne. Dunne hits Cole in the face so hard Cole literally ends up on the other side of the ring. Superkick by Cole. Enziguri by Dunne. Dunne tries to backflip off the ropes but Cole superkicks him mid flip! Dunne kicks out. Cole misses the shining wizard. Dunne hits a slingshot German suplex. Dunne sets up the Bitter End again. Fish and O’Reilly get on the apron. Dunne takes them both out. Cole superkicks Dunne again. Cole hits the Last Shot! Dunne kicks out. Cole tries to pick up Dunne but Dunne snaps Cole’s fingers. Cole swings at Dunne but Dunne turns it into a Bitter End attempts. Fish and O’Reilly hit the ring and attack Dunne to cause a DQ.

Winner- Pete Dunne

After the match, Cole, Fish, and O’Reilly beat down Dunne. Roderick Strong hits the ring. Dunne and Strong eventually clear the ring. Strong tries to shake Dunne’s hand but Dunne slaps him on the shoulder and walks away.