WWE NXT Takeover Phoenix Results

WWE NXT Takeover NOLA Results: New Champs, Gargano v Ciampa, More

Backstage, Cole is on the trainer’s table.  Kyle O’Reilly tells Cole he has to get ready. Cole says after the ladder match he isn’t sure he can do this.

NXT Tag Team Title/Dusty Classic Finals Match: The Undisputed Era (c) vs The Authors of Pain w/Paul Ellering vs Rodrick Strong and Pete Dunne

The AoP attack Cole and O’Reilly as soon as the bell tings. The AoP clear the ring. Dunne gets hip tossed out of the ring to the outside. O’Reilly gets powerbombed and neck breaker at the same time by the AoP. The AoP is powerbombs through the announce table by the AoP. O’Reilly dives off the apron and hits a knee on Akam. O’Reilly kicks Rezar in the head. O’Reilly gets put in a double wrist lock by Dunne. O’Reilly counters into a cross arm breaker. Strong breaks it up. Strong knee Rezar in the face, then blast O’Reilly with a full nelson into a backbreaker. Strong picks up O’Reilly but O’Reilly turns it into a Guillotine. O’Reilly transition into a triangle. Akam tries to stomp O’Reilly but O’Reilly catches his foot and puts him in an ankle lock. Rezar powerbombs Dunne onto O’Reilly to break it up. The AoP are taking turns beating down Strong.

O’Reilly gets back in the ring and lands a few strikes on Rezar. Rezzar German suplexes O’Reilly. O’Reilly pops up to his feet. Rezar is about to attack but O’Reilly falls out of the ring. The AoP continue their assault on Strong. Strong catches Rezar with a head kick. Strong finally makes the tag to Dunne. Dunne blast Akam with multiple strikes. O’Reilly whips Dunne into the corner but Dunne does a backflip off the turnbuckle and obliterates O’Reilly with a head kick. Akam tries to body slam, Dunne. Dunne reverses it into a DDT. O’Reilly and Dunne trade strikes in the middle of the ring. Akam crushes them both with a double lariat. The AoP hit the Super Collider on O’Reilly and Dunne. AoP hit the Last Chapter on O’Reilly. Strong breaks up the pin. Dunne snaps Rezar’s fingers. Rezar sends Strong into Dunne. Dunne hits the Olympic Slam on Rezar. Dunne goes up top. O’Reilly tries to break it up. Strong backbreakers O’Reilly on the apron. Dunne hits the double foot stomp off the top onto O’Reilly. Strong and Dunne hit the double Bitter End! O’Reilly breaks up the pint. Dunne hits the Bitter End on O’Reilly! Strong hits the ring and breaks up the pin? The hell. Strong picks up Dunne and hits the End of Heartache. Strong pulls O’Reilly onto Dunne for the three count.

Winners and STILL WWE NXT Takeover Tag Team Champions, The Undisputed Era!

After the match, Strong puts on and Undisputed Era armband.