Photo Credit: RING OF HONOR

ROH Supercard Of Honor XVII Results: Cody or Kenny? Dalton or Scurli?

Match 6: The Briscoes def. Jay Lethal & Hiroshi Tanahashi to retain the ROH Tag Team Championships

Gigantic reaction for Tanahashi. The match is very good but the crowd is a little dead. It’s hard to get the energy back after that insane Ladder War just before intermission. The first time the audience got to their feet came about ten minutes in as Lethal had Mark in a figure four and Takahashi went to the top rope to hit a splash. Jay cut off Takahashi to a chorus of boos. Shortly after Lethal hit Mark with Lethal Injection and Mark was able to BARELY kick out. Loud “That Was Three” and “Kill The Ref” chants following the near fall. The Briscoes hit the Doomsday Device and walked away with the win.

Match 7: Silas Young def. Kenny King for the ROH World Television Championship in a Last Man Standing Match

Austin Aries comes out before the bout and says he wants to face the winner for the ROH Television Championship and add another title to his collection. The match got physical quick with Silas immediately dropping King over the top rope through a table to initiate the first, unsuccessful ten count. The crowd was into the match right away. Lots of plunder was then brought out from chairs to steel trashcans. Beer City Bruiser crashed the ring to try and take out King but was instead met with a steel trashcan to the head from King. King had Silas on the outside and hit him with a belly to belly suplex onto a ladder that was angled up against the guardrail, getting another big reaction. King THEN laid Silas out on a table on the outside, went to the top rope and hit a shooting star press from the top rope to the outside putting Silas through the table. The “holy sh*t” chant rivaled any from the Ladder War. Both men went down because of the move but Silas was barely able to get to his feet by the count of ten and won the ROH World Television Championship. Silas and the Bruiser continued their attack on King before Aries got up from the commentary table, rushed the ring and hit Silas and Bruiser with a suicide dive.

Match 8: Cheeseburger & ??? v The Dawgs never got started due to a pre-match attack by The Dawgs

After being attacked Cheeseburger says that his partner is injured and he’s in need of a new partner. He says that he wants Bully Ray to come out of retirement for one more match. Bully accepts and the two lay waste to _______. Bully does the spot where he calls for the tables with Cheeseburger and out of nowhere grabs Cheeseburger by the throat and lays him out with a chokeslam. Bully then grabs a mic and cuts a promo about how Cheeseburger’s whole generation has ruined wrestling. He calls out Ospreay and Ricochet by name. Joe Koff comes out to confront Bully and Bully tells the “old bastard” that he can’t even get in the ring. Flip Gordon then comes out to save Cheeseburger but Bully grabs Cheeseburger and sets him up for a piledriver. Bully tells Flip he’s a “young boy” and a “nobody” and threatens to piledrive Cheeseburger and have the whole show shut down by the Louisiana State Athletic Commission. Flip gets off the apron and then Bully shows off his WWE Hall of Fame ring before powerbombing Cheeseburger and escaping the ring. INSANE HEAT. The crowd both loved and hated Bully simultaneously for his actions.



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