Photo Credit: Ring of Honor

Exclusive: Matt Jackson Reveals How Long He’d Like All In To Go, Which 90s Star He Wants ‘All In’, More

WrestleZone Radio has just released an exclusive interview with The Young BucksMatt Jackson that was recorded backstage at Pro Wrestling Tee’s following today’s All In press conference.

You can find some transcribed comments from Matt’s interview below. The full audio can be found via WrestleZone Radio on iTunes or in the embedded audio player at the top of this post.

Related: First All In Match Revealed

On if Colt Cabana will be “All In”:

MJ: You know, he’s there for the Starrcast event and he’ll be doing his podcast. I mean, I guess he’ll be there so, of course, I’d love to have him.

On if there is anyone outside of their reach to appear at All In:

MJ: I was asked the other day about “Hollywood” Hulk Hogan and I was like, “He’d probably cost $150,000 just to make an in-ring appearance.” I can’t afford that. When we first announced this show I think everyone just assumed we had these endless funds so just go ahead and bring in whoever! Sometimes there are names that are just unrealistic. It really is just three guys running a show. Give me a break.

On how many hours “All In” will last:

MJ: Honestly, if it was just my opinion, and my opinion solely… it’s hard because it’s a team effort… I like three hours. I have a short attention span and I’m a father of two. I think I’m a millennial, I’m 33 now. I think three hours is realistic and I am going to try and keep it around that. I definitely do not want a five or six hour marathon show where the fans are worn out by the main event. It’s the same thing with our YouTube show. I like the shorter episodes that are just ten or fifteen minutes long. If it’s a special episode, like episode 100, we’ll go like 25 minutes. People ask me, “Well, why don’t you guys just do like an hour a week?” Well, because then you guys won’t like the show. That’s the point. You want to give them enough so they can’t wait for next week. I feel like the same goes for a pro wrestling show.

On if there will be any hardcore or extreme bouts on the All In card:

MJ: I think all good wrestling shows have a good balance of every genre of wrestling. I feel like there should be the more serious technical match, maybe a match with more drama, comedy matches, women’s matches, a tag bout and then a crazy, longer main event. All shows need that balance. That’s why some shows aren’t as good because every match is more or less the same. That’s one thing that me, Nick and Cody are going to be pretty particular about is identifying to the talents what we want out of the matches and what we can hopefully get out of it. That’s the plan.

On if NJPW has been as cool with them promoting All In as ROH has been:

MJ: They’ve been nothing but great to us. If I ever go to them and say, “Hey, I need a talent.” they are just going to go, “just tell me who.” When it came down to finding a date we sat down with their office and found a day that would work if we needed a top guy like Okada. We worked around each other’s schedules so that we could get Okada there. So, they know how important this show is to us and they got us Okada and that is massive to us.

On if there is a 90s Superstar that he thinks would fit in well on the All In card:

MJ: That’s funny. There’s a guy that has been getting a lot of buzz lately. I know he had a big match at Joey Janela’s Spring Break and that’s PCO. I actually spoke to a few of the guys that I know from the independent promotions and said, “Have you considered bringing this guy in? He’s really hot right now.” If we have room for a guy like that it would be great. Who knows? I don’t think, or know, if a lot of people remember him but he’s kind of getting this following right now. I’ve watched a couple of his videos and gifs on-line and he’s just great. Honestly, I’d book him just so I could do a bit with him on the show.