WWE NXT Live Results
Photo Credit / Layout: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (8/8): Keith Lee Debuts, Black Battles Gargano, More

Backstage Vanessa Bourne says she is destined to qualify for and win the Mae Young Classic.

Kassius Ohno vs Adrian Jauode

Jauode takes a Capoeira stance. Ohno backs away. Jauode tells Ohno to come on. Jauode waist locks Ohno and takes him down. Ohno boots Jauode in the face. Jauode drops like a sack of bricks. Running senton by Ohno. Ohno boots Jauode in the face once again. Jauode struggle suplexes Ohno. Jauode charges in runs into an elbow by Ohno. Ohno hits the Rolling Knockout shot for the win.

Winner- Kassius Ohno

During the Velveteen Dream Experience, EC3 challenges Dream to a match at Takeover

Keith Lee vs Marcel Barthel

Barthel looks at Lee with utter disdain. Barthel pushes Lee in the back of the head. Barthel taunts Lee. Lee punches Barthel square in the jaw. Barthel fires back with a few strikes. Lee does a leapfrog/dropdown/dropkick spot with ease. Barthel backs into the corner. Barthel kicks Lee in the gut. Barthel fires up and lands a few elbows. Lee tries to get a boot up but Barthel yells No and lands a step up enziguri. Barthel dropkicks Lee in the corner. Lee headbutts Barthel in the face. Lee double hand chops Barthel in the corner. Lee misses a corner splash. Barthel tries to suplex Lee and of course, that doesn’t work. Lee hits the pounce. Fireman’s Driver by Lee for the win.

Winner- Keith Lee


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