Stars In Progress: Daniel Bryan, Piper, TNA Title Picture

Let's take a look at the stars' progress this week.

TNA Title Picture – One Step Up

I still expect James Storm to eventually win the title from Bobby Roode. That was the original plan and I don't think it's changed. I hope it hasn't changed. James Storm has all the right tools and TNA needs to invest everything they can in him.

If I'm correct and Storms' time off is simply one piece of their long-term plan, then they need to fill the time in his absence.

Impact Wrestling's opening segment this past Thursday was effective. It defined Bobby Roode as the dominant champion and TNA's two most-over superstars, Hardy and Anderson, as credible challengers that have to go through each other before reaching Roode.

Then, later on in the broadcast, we saw Hogan insert Rob Van Dam into that title picture. I understood the reasoning behind it and RVD is one of those gimmicks that simply stands the test of time. He's over and always will be.

Roode is racking up the wins and it seems TNA is committed to giving any amount of time needed to develop him as "the guy". He now needs clean, decisive victories. He needs to be more dominant than ever before losing the title, whether that's next week or another six months from now.