*Spoilers:* Second, More Detailed 3/10 TNA Impact Report

Thanks to Craig Smith for sending in the following:

-Biggest pops Hogan, Flair, Jeff Hardy (Hey the Hardy’s hometown is 33 miles away)  and Sting. Beer money had several good chants as well and were over big time.

-During the Sting, Mr. Anderson, RVD, J. Hardy, Hogan, Biscoff….. decent segment but of course RVD is a great performer but his mini promo made no sense to anyone.

Anderson and RVD were really pissed that Sting came from nowhere to win the TNA title and they both told him such during the segment. This set up a back stage segment a few minutes later after the match was made in which Sting was doing another promo and attacked by Mr. Anderson.

-Matt Hardy and AJ Styles went back and forth verbally for a few minutes and Hardy made no sense in promo. So AJ said I dont like you or your brother AJ popped him good and the match started ! (Strange)  I am not sure but it must have been a no DQ because it was Matt Hardy and Ric Flair vs. AJ for most of the match. Flair ended up busted open pretty good and AJ held his own pretty well against the both of them. This will probably come off as one of the better matches for the 3-10 taping. Hardy got the win with mutiple assists from the Nature Boy.

-There was a backstage segment where Ric Flair had a guy with him in Angles locker rooom and stated that this was his man. Flair stated that if Angle did anything to mess up the "Renewing" of vows the guy would "take care of Angle". The guy in question was Bart Scott who is linebacker for the NY Jets. Angle just kinda looked at him as they did a faceoff backstage.

– TNA champion Sting and RVD defeated Jeff Hardy and Mr. Anderson, the match started with just RVD vs Anderson and Hardy. RVD of course was wondering were Sting was since he didnt know that Anderson handed the mini-beatdown to Sting. RVD held his own as Hardy and Anderson refused each others tag and ended up "slapping" each other in place of the tag (came off pretty funny for the live crowd). A little over the midway point Sting came out with the lights out to even things up. Sting and RVD then cleaned house and RVD dod the frogslpash off the toprope for the clean pin on Anderson.

-After the main event a good many people left as they set up the "Renewing of vows" segment in the ring. Little Eric young was the ring boy and Orlando Jordan ? or whatever her TNA name is was the flower girl just as the first segment. Angle went thru with ceremony. When it was over he leaned over and said "is that it" to the "offical". The guy said yea and then Angle pulled out an ax from under the set of the ceremony. He chased away both Karen and Jarret and tore up the wedding set in ring with the ax. Flair came to the ramp with Bart Scott and sent Scott down to the ring. They stared each other down, as Angle ignored the several pushes from Scott and Scott did the pieface to Angle as he was trying to leave the ring. This Angle responded to with an ankle lock to Scott and the "Refs and officals had to pull him off". This is where the show ended with Angle posing in the ring.

-Most heat of the night… hands down was Jeff Jarret and Karen Angle. Nobody cared at all about this Angle and hundreds headed for the door before it started.

TNA has so much potential that gets wasted. For example most of the fans were happy to see Sting (I was too) but as far as the storyline goes dumb, dumb, dumb!

Hogan has control but Sting gets to win the TNA title, ok?

The other thing for the live crowd is they didnt even bother to recap the PPV matches or provide any build-up/hype ? Very weak from a selling standpoint.