Live Fan Review & Photos of “Fozzy’s” Current UK Tour

The following has been posted over at

"Heavy metal really isn’t my thing, I love live music but when it comes to not being able to hear a single audible word then I tend to draw the line.

Before heading to the Fozzy gig I knew that I probably wasn’t going to enjoy any of the night, however I was so wrong.

Heavy metal maybe not my thing, but I was pleasantly surprised and I thoroughly enjoyed the evening.

Before seeing Fozzy live I had previously listened to their music a few times but not enough to know any of the words to their songs and this sometimes can be a problem to me because if I can’t connect to the artist then I don’t enjoy the occasion as much, however this time was different and when the opening music began to play shivers went up my spine and I knew I was in for a memorable occasion." To read the rest of the review and check out some photos of the tour, CLICK HERE.