MVP Discusses Current Storyline & Being Vocal Backstage

MVP, WWEMVP had the following to say during an interview with the UK Sun regarding his current storyline and being vocal backstage:

"I tend to be extremely passionate and very vocal. I’ve had experiences in my life that cause me to be a little more confrontational than the average person. You have to pick which hills to die on."

"Sometimes if I’m confronted with an issue, rather than say ‘this isn’t worth it,’ I’ll get a little hot headed and speak up and say something that I probably shouldn’t say. Although I’m not saying that’s why I’m going through what I’m going through – because in the end it’s a storyline.”

MVP also went on to discuss the momentum he had last year where he was considered to be the next break-out star for the company:

“Maybe that was the problem. Maybe I got ahead of myself. Whatever the case I learned a lot in 2008 and much of what I learned I’ll apply to 2009. Hopefully this year will be my ascension to the throne.”

He also teases a little about his future:

“And as of the next airing of Smackdown, there’s a pleasant surprise for everyone regarding MVP.

“I’m turning the corner.”

You can check out the entire interview HERE.