WWE Smackdown Results (1/27) – Triple Threat Title Picture Heads Towards Rumble With A Bang

WWE Smackdown Results

By Bill Pritchard for Wrestlezone.com

January 27th 2012

Big Show comes out and says he wants to apologize, and he already talked to AJ and she forgave him so he is hoping they can all do the same. He says his size was always a problem and he unintentionally hurt kids smaller than him as a child, but he thought that was all behind him. Show says he came to WWE and thought things changed, and he loves his job but after the incident with AJ he doesn't think he can continue. He says he is honored to be in a championship match on Sunday, but he may have to go and do some soul searching after that. Daniel Bryan cuts him off and comes to the ring and sarcastically says that Show's apology makes it all better. Show tells him it was an accident, but Bryan says she was medicated and he remembers everything that happened.

Bryan says he remembers the watching WWE as a child and he thought it was a place for athletes, and tells Show he shouldn't mention Andre the Giant because he doesn't compare. He says no one should believe Show because it is all empty talk, because if he really meant any of it he would just retire right now. Bryan tells him to do the honorable thing and climb back up his beanstalk and stay there, then slaps him in the face and says he is just a monster. Show grabs him by the throat and shoves him in the corner, then says what happened to AJ was an accident, but what he does on Sunday won't be.

Show tosses him across the ring as Mark Henry makes his way out, and says the match on Sunday is still a triple threat, and he doesn't care about anyone's feelings. Henry tells Bryan to say something to his face, then tells him he is going to tear his skin off just for screwing him over the past few weeks. Bryan tries to reason with him as Teddy Long comes out, and Teddy says there is already a main event match tonight, but he thinks they should go into the Royal Rumble with a bang. Teddy says Daniel Bryan has already faced Show and Henry the past few weeks, so Henry will face Big Show tonight, and Bryan stands at ringside and smiles about the news.