Report: The Very Latest on A-Train’s WWE Return Status


Despite denying that he will be returning to WWE, the latest on Matt Bloom's (aka A-Train) status is that according to 4 sources within WWE, he will indeed be returning, and he is likely set for a big push upon his return to the company. A-Train commented on the return rumor on Twitter yesterday, saying that he didn't know it got started, and that it's "comical." However, according to new reports, talk within WWE for the past couple months has been that Bloom would be returning, and there was said to be backstage talk about is return at the Montreal house show event Friday night.

As far as Bloom's push is concerned, it's being said that creative has been talking about having him return as a top henchman for John Laurinaitis, and there was even talk of having him feud with John Cena after WrestleMania, although that idea seems to have been shelved for the moment.