WWE House Show Results (1/19) – Ontario, CA

WWE(Live results courtesy of ProWrestling.net / dot net reader Ron Lewis)

There was a solid tunout as both the floor level and midrange seats seemed full. There was the usual "Be A Star" promos as people filed in. The Raw theme song and intro video played as Justin Roberts welcomed us to the show and got the crowd hyped up.

1. Brodus Clay (w/Cameron, Naomi) defeated Jack Swagger by pinfall. Brodus and both the Funkettes were out to kick of the show, to a far tamer reception then he recieved when they were here a year ago. Next out was Swagger to decent heat. He's grown his hair out slightly since he was last seen on TV. They had a decent match with back and forth action before Clay did the Call My Mama splash for the pin. Then it was the usual bring the kids into the ring to dance, which was actually more entertaining as one of the kids showed Clay and the Funkettes up by doing flips and break dancing to Clay's amusement.

Justin Roberts introduced CM Punk to a mixed reaction from the crowd. Punk then proceeded to remind the crowd of his recent knee problems. He then produced a note from his doctor excusing him from singles competition because of the injury. While the crowd booed, Punk insisted this was not part of the show and was real life as Dolph Ziggler, AJ, and Big E Langston made their way to ringside. Ziggler was wearing a mask over his face, as he explained that he must have caught something when he was doing the meet and greet earlier in the day as he was now too sick to wrestle.

Dolph fake coughed his way through a note from his doctor which explained that Dolph Ziggler was too sick to wrestle, brother. This brought Vickie Guerrero out to a surprising baby ace reaction. She said she sympathized with both men for having such a bad night, to which both the heels praised her. She then switched gears, explaining that the fans of Ontario bought a ticket to see great action and as Supervising Manager of Raw it was her job to deliver. She then asked the fans if they wanted to see Punk and Ziggler in tag team action. She then asked the crowd if they thought their opponents should be John Cena and Ryback. The heels then came unglued about how unfair this was as Vickie left.

2. Bo Dallas defeated Tensai. Dallas surprisingly has a Titantron video and looks a lot like the old USA Express version of his father. I have no idea what actually happened in this match, as I made my way to the concession and souvenir stands during it. The only way I know Dallas won is I because saw on the video screens at the concession stand that his video was playing.

3. Damian Sandow defeated Alex Riley by pinfall. Sandow's theme music hit to the displeasure of the crowd. Sandow proceeded to explain to the crowd that this was usually where he would bring someone into the ring in his search for an apprentice. But in much fancier words than I have he told the crowd they were too stupid and that he would ask and answer all three questions himself. The first question which was greeted by "What" chants was what was his least favorite word in the English language.

Sandow added he didn't need to answer, as surprisingly the crowd had answered it for him. The second question was what state had the stupidest residents, to which his answer was California. And the final question was if there was anyone in the back worthy of facing him, to which he stated the obvious answer was No. Cue Riley's theme to a decent reaction for a guy who hasn't been on TV in forever and a day. They had a back and forth match which Sandow won with his cartwheel and finisher.

A pre-taped interview with Antonio Cesaro then aired setting up his match with Miz for a little later in the show. Roberts then prompted the crowd to vote by Twitter or text if they wanted to see a two out of three falls match or a no DQ match. Shockingly over 90 percent voted for the no DQ.