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WWE Stomping Grounds: Who Will Be The Special Guest Referee For The Universal Title Match?

sami zayn
Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

#4.) Sami Zayn

From a storyline point of view, there’s no pick that’s more obvious as the special guest referee than Sami Zayn himself. After all, he was the one who personally requested to fill that role. Zayn would be an interesting pick to be referee, but we believe that it’s unlikely to happen simply because he’s too obvious a choice for the role.

With that being said, it doesn’t mean WWE won’t put him in that role, but he should ideally be in a singles match of his own on the PPV unless he’s challenging for the Universal title later on.

Next Page: 5 WWE Superstars who can be the special guest referee for the Universal Championship match at Stomping Grounds