WWE Clash of Champions Results

WWE Clash Of Champions 2019: 5 Mistakes WWE Must Avoid Making

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#3.) Making Bayley lose

Bayley has had a huge redemption arc since moving over to SmackDown Live. She was the top babyface champion who turned heel for the first time recently, throwing a big curveball in the women’s division. She got pinned by Charlotte Flair on RAW in a tag team match and based on WWE logic, that usually means that she will end up retaining the title.

Hopefully, this is the case because SmackDown needs Bayley as its champion. While it wouldn’t be surprising to see WWE put the title on Flair due to the FOX deal coming in soon, it’s Bayley’s time right now and she can further legitimize her title reign with a huge win over Charlotte.

Next Page: 5 Mistakes WWE Must Avoid Making At Clash of Champions 2019


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