Mt. Killamanjaro: Slammiversary Preview – Ten Years of TNA

Austin Aries vs. Samoa Joe

Samoa Joe TNA is going to take the X-Division title off of Aries soon; right now I don’t blame them for having no idea how to execute the move. How do you book a loss for one of your best rising stars when he’s the only major player in his division? Certainly not by putting him in a non-title match with Samoa Joe, but it may be a good start. Joe’s a guy you could temporarily put over Aries and not totally stop his momentum. I see Aries taking this match as they bide time until an opportunity comes along. The most logical thing to do is have Aries drop the belt to Zema Ion on Impact due to interference from a pissed off Samoa Joe, on account of him losing his match tonight. The division will suffer, but what else is new?

Prediction: Austin Aries wins.

*Stay tuned to Wrestlezone for my next editorial, “A Rude Awakening: The Next TNA World Champion” for more on Austin Aries*

Styles & Angle vs. Daniels & Kazarian

AJ StylesThe more I think about it, the less convinced I am that Dixie Carter and AJ Styles are having an affair. Last month, in my Sacrifice preview I talked about how incredibly backwards the entire angle was. The astounding thing is that the TNA fans are still cheering for them, despite being on the morally bankrupt side of the tracks! I hate to be a broken record, but when Vince McMahon had his numerous affairs, the WWE fans weren’t exactly chanting his name… I’m not sure how they intend to wrap this all up, but since they’ve already brought the President’s husband into the mix, I wouldn’t rule anything out. TNA’s not really known for their subtlety or tact; for all we know they’re going to run some sort of infertility angle, where Styles was just trying to help Dixie get pregnant. Maybe Serge wouldn’t have so many problems performing if Dixie didn’t keep his balls in her purse… 

Prediction: Daniels & Kazarian win

K.O. Championship: Gail Kim vs. Miss Tessmacher

Gail Kim won the championship under the regime of Karen Jarrett. Now that a “fan favorite” — and I use that term with EXTREME hesitation — Brooke Hogan is calling the shots in the Knockout’s division, look for a face champion to represent that shift. Also, look for the small interest Kim brings to the division to fade away in the process… 

Prediction: Miss Tessmacher wins


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