Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction “TNA Relying on Youth vs. Veterans”

The Undercard

impact wrestling reactionSamuel Shaw vs. Eric Young ends in no contest. Young hits a few punches into the corner on Shaw. Shaw smiles at Young and hits him in the throat. He kicks away at Young and they head to the outside. He throws tea into the face of Young and throws Young into Anderson. He chokes out Anderson, who passes out on the floor. Shaw "shh" to Anderson and tells him that he is going to claim what is his.

This is creepy and good. I really am beginning to like Samuel Shaw each week because he has invested 100 percent into his character. I still do not think that Mr. Anderson is the right guy to feud with, but it still draws intrigue with somewhat of a big name in TNA. Anderson has credibility and is a guy that, when a young guy is paired with, can learn so much on creating a story inside and outside of the ring. *Later in the night, Anderson attacks Shaw backstage and paints lipstick onto his face. He punches him and throws him into the wall. The use of lipstick was really a good addition and made this feud seem even more demonic and intense. Anderson throws a wig into his face and Shaw laughs.

Score: 7/10

Ethan Carter III comes out to the ring. He is upset that Angle sucker punched him last week and says that you do not sucker punch a Carter. EC3 says he respected Angle growing up, but calls him an American Icon. Angle says he is three days away from ending Carter's short career. He runs into the ring and wants to end his career tonight. EC3 heads to the outside and walks away from Angle. Angle cheers to the crowd and EC3 comes back out to the stage and attacks Angle's injured left knee. He chop blocks his knee and locks in a submission hold until the referees come out and break it up.

EC3 needs a weakness to beat Kurt Angle. I like how they are using this to give the advantage. Nobody really buys, right now, EC3 beating Angle clean and at 100 percent. TNA is really investing time into the young guys at Lockdown. It does wonders for EC3, but does this devalue Kurt Angle and how he can be utilized to his fullest extent? @JoshIsenberg4 for your responses.

Score: 6/10

Velvet Sky, ODB and Madison Rayne defeated Gail Kim, Lei'D Tapa and Alpha Female in a pretty decent match. Kim takes down ODB and tags Tapa in the ring. She shows her strength and hits an impressive backbreaker. She continues to kick ODB on the mat and whips her to the corner. Tapa continues to dominate until she tags in Sky. Alpha Female and Sky get in the ring and Velvet hits a neckbreaker. All hell breaks loose and Sabin looks to attack his former girlfriend. He yells in her face and calls her a stupid skank. She slaps Sabin in the face and send him to the outside. Alpha Female tries to attack her from behind, but Sky kicks her in the head and hits a Pedigree for the win. Not a bad match, even though the ending was slow and sloppy. Lockdown features Gail Kim vs. Madison Rayne, but I felt that took an undeserving backseat tonight. This is not how you want to book your championship match.

Score: 5/10

-Gunner and James Storm cut promos on one another. Gunner says he needs to prove that he is the toughest guy in the team. Gunner wants to make it Last Man Standing, which Storm agrees to. Storm says he is going to cut him down and he should pray to his God. Storm hits a Last Call before leaving, laying down Gunner on the mat.

They did not need to do much because the history and the story is already there. I still dislike how they flipped a few times, back and forth, on the face/heel turn of Storm. I would much rather see Storm as the face and Gunner as the heel, but I am more interested in the match itself rather than the feud leading up to it. The match should be a great fight, nothing pretty. Last Man Standing is a nice touch to add some intrigue to a basic 1-on-1 match.

Score: 6/10