Wrestlezone’s Top Ten: A Beginner’s Guide to Indie Wrestling

Let's Talk Women

maria kanellisThere aren't as many women in wrestling as there are men in wrestling. That's just how it goes. That being said, there's a lot more women in wrestling than are being used properly. There's a stigma that "women don't draw" that I absolutely hate. It's like putting 1/7th of the effort into a relationship, and expecting your significant other not to break up with you. Of course fans don't care about women's wrestling – WWE has trained them not to. Women get one spot on a card in WWE, and it's usually terrible. Remember how equal rights were a thing in this country? 

Some indie promotions just don't use women. There are a couple managers here and there, but most of them are dating or married to the men working the card. Ring of Honor rarely uses the ladies, but that's more or less because they have a close affiliation with all-female promotion Shimmer Women Athletes. Shimmer is fantastic by the way. If you live near Chicago, check them out. If you don't, buy a DVD some time. They are the #1 proof in the world today that women can wrestle, just as well if not better than the men, and if given an equal opportunity, they could draw money. 

I'll be honest, the entire reason this rant about women's wrestling exists in this column about indie wrestling is so I can talk about how awesome Candice LeRae is. She's gorgeous, she's Canadian, and she suplexes men by the balls – what's not to love? I first saw Candice work at PWG in 2013, where she teamed with Joey Ryan against the Young Bucks. The match is amazing. Never once did I think "man, she's really holding her own against those men". Most of the time I was just thinking, "holy $#!% this is awesome!" In fact, stop reading this, go to Highspots.com and order PWG Matt Rushmore. HERE'S A LINK – thank me later.