Title This: WWE Battleground Reaction “Solid Card With Predictable Finishes”

Rusev defeated Jack Swagger

wwe battleground reactionBefore the bell rings, Swagger hits a clothesline and sends Rusev to the outside. Rusev kicks Swagger in the stomach and pounds away in the corner. Swagger tries for the ankle lock again, but Rusev slides to the outside. Swagger throws Rusev back into the ring and hits a splash and multiple knee strikes. Rusev hits a fallaway slam with much power. After slowing down the pace, Rusev is in control and beats away at Swagger’s neck. Rusev tosses Swagger to the outside and he sells the knee injury. Swagger takes shot after shot to the face and then gets back into the ring. Swagger hits a big boot and he gains more momentum. Swagger hits a big side suplex and gets a two count. Swagger blocks the big kick and Patriot Lock is applied. Rusev gets to the bottom rope to break the hold. He locks it in again on the outside. Rusev throws Swagger into the ring post. Rusev wins via count out.

This is the perfect ending to a match with two big brutes. I really enjoyed this match and the physicality it brought upon with both men. What does the end tell me? Look for a rematch in the near future. Yes!

WZZ 6.5

 The Ballad of Rollins and Ambrose

Seth Rollins gets interviewed backstage and is attacked by Dean Ambrose. Seth Rollins comes out a few matches later and is claimed the winner.As Rollins is celebrating, Ambrose returns and tosses Rollins across the announce table. Security pulls Ambrose off of Rollins. Ambrose and Rollins continue to brawl on the outside. Triple H makes his way to separate them. Triple H shoves Ambrose and the security wraps him up to send him off. They have a hard time separating the two guys. Seth Rollins continues to attack Ambrose and they finally end the segment after ridiculous amounts of attacks. 

I enjoyed this. I was skeptical to see them added to the WWE Battleground card because I do think they are going to tear the house down. The history is there and the realistic sense of dramatic elements have made this feud wonderful. SummerSlam is the ONLY place for them to fight. Make it somewhat like Michaels/Triple H from SummerSlam 2002 in a Street Fight. You need to have them unrestricted and unfiltered so you can get the absolute best out of both guys. WWE did a great thing tonight, even though everyone wanted to see an actual match. 

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Chris Jericho defeated Bray Wyatt

Bray Wyatt strikes Jericho in the throat to get his offense going. Jericho tries to lock in Walls of Jericho, but Rowan distracts him. Jericho hits a dropkick and Wyatt heads to the outside. Jericho hits a kick and then panders to the crowd. He hits a cross body onto all members of The Wyatt Family. Harper and Rowan are kicked out and Bray throws himself onto Jericho which catapults Jericho into the barricade. Wyatt goes shoulder first into the post and Jericho works on it. Jericho heads up top and hits a club to his head. Wyatt catches Jericho and drives his knee into his gut. Wyatt tries to hit his patented splash, but Jericho gets his knees up. Both men are up top and Wyatt hits a unique move that I cannot explain. It was a sort of inverted neckbreaker where Jericho’s neck landed on Bray’s shoulder. Jericho hits the running bulldog and misses a Lionsault. Wyatt plants Jericho in the mat with a rock bottom type move. Bray tries for Sister Abigail and Jericho reverses it. Wyatt tosses himself into Jericho for another two count. Out of nowhere, Jericho hits a Codebreaker and picks up the win.

This is going to be confusing for many people to understand. The match was physical and had plenty of good moves, but it seemed like there was something missing. What was missing for you? For me, it was big spots with big dramatic turns. There was never close falls to really get the crowd involved. I was surprised to see a clean win. Where does this go from here? WWE really needs to continue this, but bray losing to Cena and Jericho really does not make him feel like a main event guy in the making. It was nice to see Jericho actually look strong, but it still is perplexing to me. 

WZ 6