Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “It’s a Simple Science To Succeed”

Abyss vs. Eric Young

impact wrestlingAbyss and Eric Young fight off for the chance to win some points towards becoming the TNA World Heavyweight Champion. This match is exactly what you would expect. It was physical from the first second, with Young hitting some big blows only to be clotheslined and body slammed to the mat time and time again from Abyss. Young, playing the heel, hits a low blow after Abyss tries to get Janice involved. Unfortunately, Abyss comes back with a Black Hole Slam and the win.

These are two good TNA originals and this match was physical and intense. I like seeing Eric Young continue to be one of the best heels. His natural instincts in the ring and his diction when speaking about what he “deserves” makes you think of that jerk in high school who constantly talked crap on you. Young gets it. He gets the business and he gets how to work, with big or small guys. Well done from both men, but even more of a kudos to Young.

WZZ 6.5

Shera defeated Crazzy Steve

This may be the most uninteresting group for me because of these two guys. If TNA really wants Shera to become important before their tour of India, you need to put him in matches that will make him shine and make him important. This does nothing for him and makes him look like a third tier talent.

WZ 3.5


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