wwe smackdown live preview

WWE SmackDown Live Results (9/25): R-Truth Debuts Truth TV, Aiden English Comes Clean, Samoa Joe Crosses The Line, More

Shinsuke Nakamura vs Tye Dillinger

Dillinger attacks Nakamura. Nakamura drops Dillinger into the corner and stomps on his face. Nakamura misses a running knee in the corner. Dillinger has Nakamura in the corner. Orton hits the ring and attacks Dillinger.

Winner- Tye Dillinger

Backstage, Orton says Orton things. Dillinger is next.

Becky Lynch vs Lana

Lynch takes Lana down to the mat. Lana fires up and attacks Lynch. Lynch dumps Lana outside of the ring. Lynch sends Lana back into the ring. Lana rolls up Lynch in a small package for a near fall. Head kick by Lana. Exploder by Lynch. Lynch puts Lana in the DisArmHer. Lana taps out.

Winner- Becky Lynch

After the match, English says he has proof of what happened with Lana… whatever that may have been.

In Ring Segment: Paige

Paige introduces AJ Styles and Samoa Joe for the WWE Title match contract signing. Joe never comes to the ring. Styles says Joe doesn’t have the guts to come down here, stand face-to-face and sign the contract. Styles knows Joe is going to try to attack him but Styles has eyes in the back of his head today. Joe appears on the ‘Tron. Joe says tonight he found himself in a place he would have never expected. Joe is at AJ Styles’ house. Joe shows the mailbox that says Styles on in. Styles goes nuts in the ring. Styles asks what Joe he wants. Joe wants to know if Styles feels helpless. Joe tells Styles to get his phone out and call Wendy. Styles doesn’t have his phone in the ring. Joe says he has a present for Emily (Styles daughter). Joe holds up a baby doll. Joe asks if Styles rage has turned into fear yet. That feeling Styles is feeling is exactly how Styles will feel when Joe beats him for the title at Super Showdown. Joe rings the doorbell and says “daddy’s home” as the screen fades to black.

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