Impact Wrestling Results

Impact Wrestling Results (2/22/19)

Eddie Edwards vs Eli Drake

Edwards and Drake trade submission attempts. Suplex by Edwards. Drake retreats outside. Drake gets back in the ring. Edwards sends Drake right back out of the ring. Edwards crotches Drake on the ring post. Drake and Edwards fight back into the ring. Drake spears Edwards in the corner. DDT by Drake. Drake misses an elbow off the second rope. Drake misses a springboard moonsault. Edwards lights Drake up with a few chops. Backpack stunner by Edwards.

Drake kicks out. Blue thunder bomb for a near fall by Edwards. Sleeper slam by Drake. Edwards kicks out. Drake kicks out of the tiger driver. Edwards pulls the kendo stick out from under the ring. While Edwards is distracted, Drake surprises him with a burning hammer. Edwards kicks out. Drake tries to grab the kendo stick. Edwards rolls up Drake for the win!

Winner- Eddie Edwards

Backstage, Tessa Blanchard complains about Impact Managment not giving her a rematch for the Knockouts Championship.

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