Jonathan Gresham
Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

Best of Super Juniors: Night 3 Results (5/15)

SIXTH MATCH: Tiger Mask (2) vs. Yoshinobu Kanemaru (0)

Wild brawl to start. Tiger Mask takes Kanemaru to the outside. Tiger Mask pummels Kanemaru and then hacks away at him with mid kicks. Kanemaru sends one of Tiger Mask’s legs into the ring post. Kanemaru stomps away at the injured knee. Kanemaru rolls Tiger Mask back in the ring.

Kanemaru continues to stomp, stretch and elbow Tiger Mask’s knee. Kanemaru knees him in the knee repeatedly. Kanemaru locks in a Half Crab. Tiger Mask fights to the ropes.

Kanemaru locks in a Single Leg Haas Of Pain. Kanemaru goes for Tiger Mask’s mask. Tiger Mask fights back with a series of kicks. Kanemaru fights back. Kanemaru drags Tiger Mask to the corner and slams his leg into the ring post. Kanemaru locks in a ring post assisted deathlock. Kanemaru gets back in the ring.

Kanemaru stomps on Tiger Mask’s leg. Kanemaru climbs to the top rope. Tiger Mask clips his leg. Kanemaru counters an Avalanche Tiger Driver. Tiger Mask hits an Avalanche Arm Drag. Kanemaru counters a Tiger Driver. Kanemaru hits a series of strikes. They trade elbows. Kanemaru kicks Tiger Mask in the leg. Tiger Mask hits a Tombstone Piledriver. Tiger Mask hits Tiger Driver. Tiger Mask covers for two.

Tiger Mask puts Kanemaru on the top rope. Kanemaru shoves him off. Kanemaru hits Deep Impact. Kanemaru covers for two.

Kanemaru locks in a Figure Four Leg Lock. Tiger Mask fights to the ropes. Kanemaru body slams Tiger Mask. Kanemaru climbs to the top rope. Tiger Mask dodges a moonsault. Tiger Mask hits a leg lariat. Kanemaru counters Tiger Suplex with a Figure Four Leg Lock, but Tiger Mask counters that with a small package for the pinfall in 11:14.

WINNER: Tiger Mask (4pts)