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Collector’s Corner: WWE Elite 68 In-Depth Review (Photos)

On this week’s Collector’s Corner we take an in-depth look at Mattel WWE Elite 68! This set is currently available on RingsideCollectibles.com where you can SAVE 10% with discount code MBG at checkout! This set includes:

  • King Mabel (with Chase variant)
  • Daniel Bryan
  • Brie Bella
  • Roman Reigns
  • Braun Strowman
  • Undertaker (American Badass)

The Packaging

This series is the first themed full WWE Elite set as all the figures in the set come in Summer Slam themed packaging. Usually Mattel releases a separate PPV-themed series but this year they’re trying something new and I like it! The colors really pop and will easily make these figures stand out on the shelves as well as on display in your collection. I’m not sure if they will do this from now on versus PPV-themed stand alone sets that usually have just a couple figures in it. Regardless, it’s nice for a change of pace!

King Mabel

King Mabel is probably the most sought after in this set as the lineup itself isn’t overly exciting but this is his first figure in the Mattel WWE line and it looks absolutely fantastic. Now before we get into reviewing him I just want to inform you that there was a whole debacle of information regarding which one is the Chase and which is the main release. Apparently the main release is actually the one with the M on his chest while the Chase one is the lightning bolt style version.

Both figures are almost identical for the most part minus the designs on the attire as well as some different colored parts of the outfit. The main release version (M version) has gold, black and purple tassels over the shoulders as well as no black sleeves underneath. He also has the “M” on his chest as well as crossbones logos and “Mabel” written on his boots. The Chase version on the other hand has lightning bolt designs on his outfit, purple tassels over the shoulders, black short sleeves, “M” on the middle of his back, plus a crown and “M” on his thighs. Lastly, both figures feature the same head scan with a detailed mohawk, which looks fantastic considering he’s deceased as well as a crown, “M” knee pads, a tattoo on his left shoulder, tall black boots and swappable fists.

One cool thing to note about Mabel is that he has all new molds for the most part. His torso is unique as he was such a big guy and they gave him a ball-jointed chest, as well as a wrinkled body attire, which is unique to him. His crown accessory is nice with the WWE logo as well as jewels on it. All he’s missing is his cape! But this is honestly a great figure because it’s super detailed. I prefer the Chase version as I like some of the extra details on the outfit.

Daniel Bryan

This is Daniel’s first Elite since he took time off from wrestling, which makes it pretty sough after. He features a new, smiling head scan as well as index finger pointing hands to recreate his “Yes!” taunt. He also comes with open hands, which look a little odd for Daniel, but you can always swap them with another WWE figure with swappable hands of the same skin tone as well as a gray t-shirt that says “Yes! Yes! Yes! Fight For Your Dreams” on it. Daniel features his Seattle Seahawks colored attire with the flame-like designs on his trunks as well as we kick pads and blue knee pads.

Daniel is much nicer figure than expected. Part of his beard is painted oddly to me as you can see part of his skin tone around his mouth but other than that I like this newer scan. Unfortunately it’s a Face version versus Heel version to be current, but it’s still very nice, especially for an updated Daniel. I recommend it if you want a more current version of him until they release a heel version.

Brie Bella

Brie is a repaint of her older Basic figure that came out a long time ago, just in Brie Mode attire. She comes with a cloth Brie Mode t-shirt as well as a t-shirt wrapped around her waist, but this one is made of rubber. It’s a plaid design but they only painted it a solid red color. She features some nice detail like a headband as well as painted red fingernails, but other than that the figure is nothing overly exciting. If you want a more recent Brie then this would be a decent one to pickup as I doubt we will see anything more of her again.

Roman Reigns

Roman is very similar to his Elite 65 figure that came out recently, although this one is in blue attire. He features a removable vest with his logo on it as well as other designs. He also comes with the Universal title and three sets of swappable hands, which is really nice. He comes with the Samoan hand gesture hands on, but also comes with open hands and fists so you can recreate the Superman Punch if desired. His arm/chest is pretty detailed with his tattoo work as well as his gauntlets with his logo on it.

Overall, Roman is nice, but is very similar to his recent Elite 65 figure. This one has a smirking scan though instead as well as multiple hands, which I think is his best selling point. I personally would recommend this one over the Elite 65 version as it offers a little bit more, making the figure more unique depending on how you want to display him.

Braun Strowman

Braun is also pretty close a to a re-release, which has a lot of collectors annoyed; however, that’s not fully the case in this situation. I believe Braun features a new scan, which looks great and what sold me on it. He does feature the same outfit his last Elite had, but that’s about as accurate as his attire currently is and unfortunately it doesn’t change much. This figure features a Strowman logo on his upper back, which is a nice detail. Unfortunately his boots are still too tall and should be a bit shorter as he wears combat boots. I’m really hoping they can fix that eventually. Besides these details he comes with swappable fists as well as a Money in the Bank briefcase and a huge, destructible bass from when he played like Elias. The bass is a really cool accessory and stays together pretty well, too.

Overall, this Braun is nice, but very similar to his other figures. It’s also I believe the same as his Top Picks Elite Series 2 figure, which is also now available on Ringside but we will have to see once I review that one. The accessories are probably what will interest people most unless you’re a big fan of Braun like myself. I was excited for the new scan and was excited to see some extra details added to this figure.


Lastly, we have the American Badass Undertaker. This is the first time Mattel is making him with his long, brighter hair do, which is awesome. His scan looks really nice honestly. He features a black hat, sunglasses and swappable hands as well as a Kane mask with hair. Thankfully this time around they painted his gloves on his swappable hands, which they didn’t on his last Elite with this feature. He has his blue button down shirt, which is tucked into his pants, as well as his detailed pants and boots. He also features super detailed tattoo sleeves on his arms, which are partially covered by black elbow pads that do restrict the movement a little bit.

Overall, I do really like the figure. I wish he came with his jacket to complete his look even more from back then, but it’s still a nice figure and the detail on it is great. All he is missing is a motorcycle, but I show you one below that is pretty compatible. It’s the Marvel Legends Logan that recently came with a motorcycle. You can still find it on Amazon if desired and works really well with this figure.


The lineup may not be the most exciting, but the figures are pretty nice. I wasn’t overly excited for this set compared to others coming, but I was pretty impressed once I had them in my possession and recommend most of them honestly. They’re nice for updated figures as well as some awesome throwbacks to longtime fans. You can get them currently on RingsideCollectibles.com you can SAVE 10% with discount code MBG at checkout! Thanks for tuning in and I’ll see you next week!

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