Ricky Steamboat
Photo by Bob Levey/WireImage

Ricky Steamboat Announced For WWE Backstage Tonight, Hulk Hogan Touts WrestleMania III On FS1 Tonight

Ricky Steamboat Announced For WWE Backstage Tonight

FS1 will be airing WrestleMania III tonight on it’s channel and in light of the event hosting one of WWE’s most classic matches between Ricky Steamboat and the late Randy Savage, the former will be on WWE Backstage tonight.

RELATED: Ricky Steamboat On His Rivalry With Ric Flair, Randy Savage, Wrestling Getting Away From Basic Structure

Hulk Hogan Touts WrestleMania III On FS1 Tonight

Another infamous bout that WrestleMania III holds highly is Hulk Hogan vs. Andre The Giant. Hogan himself went on social media to share in his excitement for the airing of the event tonight (along with much debated attendance number)

“Tonight WM3 is on FS1 at 8pm est,94,000 Hulkamaniacs saw the greatest moment in Wrestlemania history,if you weren’t around in 1988 tonight you will feel the bodyslam that shook the whole world my brothers,feel the greatest power in wrestling ever ‘HULKAMANIA’ brother HH,” Tweeted out Hogan.