ROH Ring Of Honor
Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

ROH Wrestling Results (9/14/20): The Pure Title Tournament Begins

In a video package, Wheeler Yuta recaps his career. He says he’s travelled the world to hone his craft. He recaps his training in Japan and his time in wXw. He says he’s trained with some of the best wrestlers in the world. He calls himself The Decoder because he breaks down his opponent’s style and figures out the best approach to victory. Yuta says he knows exactly how he’s going to beat Gresham.

In a video package, Gresham recaps his wrestling career. He says Ring of Honor collects some of the best wrestlers in the world. He says he did everything he good to become one of the best. He looks back on his road to ROH and describes how people have always doubted him. Gresham says he has travelled the world to make himself the best pure professional wrestler in the world. He says Yuta will be a challenge for him, but he’s looking forward to it. He feels confident in the strength of the Octopus Stretch because he has perfected it. He promises to restore the honor that was lost long ago. He wants to reshape ROH in the image of pure wrestling.

Pure Tournament Round 1: Jonathan Gresham vs. Wheeler Yuta

Both competitors exchanged technical holds, and Yuta gains the upper hand. Gresham monkey flips his way out of it, but Yuta locks in a body-scissors. Gresham tries to escape by pinning Yuta, but he kicks out. Yuta escapes a surfboard and both men are back to their feet. Gresham takes Yuta to the mat and puts him in an ankle-lock. A dropkick sends Gresham back to the mat.

Gresham dodges a crossbody and puts Yuta in an Indian Death Lock. Yuta reaches the ropes to break the hold. Yuta drops Gresham with a closed fist, and the referee warns him for the infraction. Yuta rolls Gresham up for a two count. A springboard crossbody gets Yuta another two count. Another crossbody earns Yuta a near fall.

Gresham locks in another Indian Death Lock, and both men roll to the floor when the hold is still locked in. Both men make it back to the ring. Yuta rolls Gresham up for a two count, and Gresham returns the favor. They exchange pinning attempts. Gresham stomps on Yuta’s ankle and slams his knee into the mat until Yuta taps.

Winner: Jonathan Gresham

RELATED: Ring Of Honor Reveals Full Pure Tournament Bracket, Celebrates Past Pure Title Victories


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