WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (1/11/21)

Backstage, Evans and Ric leave together.

Backstage, Keith Lee is with Kayla. Before Lee can speak Sheamus walks in. Lee says if Sheamus is here to rub his face in his loss, now isn’t the time. Sheamus says he would love to kick Lee while he is down but that’s not what he is here for. Sheamus tells Lee he’s earned his respect. Miz and Morrison interrupt and this leads to a challenge for a tag match later tonight.

Jeff Hardy vs. Elias

As Elias and Ryker walk down the ramp, Elias says he hurt himself while recording music and can’t fight. Ryker is going to take his place.

Jeff Hardy vs. Ryker

Hardy hits the Twist of Fate. Hardy is about to go up top but Elias distracts him. Ryker rolls Hardy with a hand full of tights for a quick win.

Winner- Ryker

Hardy grabs a mic and says Elias isn’t hurt and should face him. Hardy claims Elias is scared that Ryker is better than him. Elias tells Ryker not to get involved *with a wink*

Jeff Hardy vs. Elias

After a bit of back and forth, Hardy hits the Twist of Fate followed by the Swanton for the win.

Winner- Jeff Hardy

After the match, Elias yells at Ryker for not helping him. Ryker says Elias told him not to.

WWE RAW Results Continue On The Next Page!


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