AEW Dynamite July 6
Image Credit: AEW

AEW Dynamite Results (7/6/22): Interim World Title Bout, Wardlow Challenges For TNT Title

All Elite Wrestling delivered a star-studded episode of AEW Dynamite on July 6.

Jon Moxley defended the AEW Interim World Championship against Brody King. Plus, Wardlow challenged Scorpio Sky for the TNT Championship in a Street Fight.

The results are as follows:

Street Fight for the TNT Championship: Scorpio Sky (with Dan Lambert and Ethan Page) (c) vs. Wardlow

The two competitors feel each other out. Wardlow overpowers Sky and sends him to the outside. There, Lambert tries to get involved as he distracts Wardlow. A plethora of American Top Team Members confront Wardlow and attack him. Back in the ring, Sky takes control and grounds the challenger. He takes some time to gloat, and Wardlow rallies with a clothesline. The powerhouse gains the upper hand and drills Sky with some shoulder strikes in the corner. Sky fights back and evades Wardlow to send him shoulder-first into the ring post. Wardlow hits a Swanton Bomb. The ATT members charge the ring, and Wardlow overcomes them, as he throws one onto a group of the others. Sky blasts the challenger with the title for a two count. Wardlow sends Sky crashing into Lambert, who got up on the apron. “Mr. Mayhem” powerbombs Sky three times for the win.

Winner and new TNT Champion: Wardlow

Backstage, Interim AEW World Champion Jon Moxley says plenty of people have tried to make their name off him. He says many people think that Brody King will give him the beating of a lifetime, and he recalls how he waged war with Hiroshi Tanahashi, a man he respects. Moxley makes it clear that he knows who King is and wonders if he has a monster-sized heart. He calls himself the biggest shark in the game and says that King will be in deep waters tonight. Moxley says, “Step up or get stepped on.”

“Smart” Mark Sterling and Tony Nese approach Keith Lee with a petition to remove Swerve Strickland from AEW because he’s a snake who betrays people, like the way he turned on Lee in the battle royale. Lee says that he and Swerve might have their issues, but they’re still a team, and they’re still winning.

In-Ring Segment: Christian Cage and Luchasaurus.

The duo comes to the ring, and Cage says that he’s the cage everyone is talking about after Blood & Guts. He points out that everyone wants to know why Luchasaurus chose to stay aligned with him after he betrayed Jungle Boy. Matt Hardy comes out and says Cage is the Michael Jordan of being an asshole. He calls Jungle Boy a friend and says he didn’t deserve what Cage did to him. Cage counters by saying that Matt is making Jeff seem like the sober one. Matt admits that he’s guilty of using for people for money, and he regrets it. He says by a strange twist of fate, his life has been turned upside down, and he notes that he may have deserved that. Matt makes it clear that he wants to stop Cage from using people in the same way. Cage responds by saying that Matt will use anyone he needs to, including his own brother, by noting that he ignored Jeff’s issues so he could ride his coattails one last time.

Cage says that Jeff, who’s a “screwup” isn’t the most embarrassing thing for the Hardy family; Matt is.

Luchasaurus attacks Matt and beats him up around ringside. The big man kicks Matt’s head into the ring post and slams him through a table. Cage talks some trash to the downed Hardy.

In a promo, the Blood & Guts participants recap the war. Claudio Castagnoli says you can call him the mailman because he always delivers. Angelo Parker says the JAS won’t stop until Eddie Kingston is in a grave.

Jake Hager and Claudio Castagnoli are backstage; Hager says he’s tougher than Claudio, who has never been a world champion. Hager says it’s time he got his respect. Claudio responds by pointing out that he won the match for his team at Blood & Guts. He notes that he’s undefeated, and he’s going to go 3-0 when he faces Hager next week.

Keith Lee and Swerve Strickland vs. The Butcher and The Blade (with The Bunny)

Lee overpowers The Blade early on. The Butcher tags in, and Lee slams him off the top rope. The Butcher grabs a chair, but The Blade talks him down. Strickland tags in and trips up The Blade. Lee tags back in and trucks over The Blade with a shoulder tackle. Lee and Strickland double-team The Blade and work like a cohesive team. Strickland dumps The Blade to the outside, but The Bunny interferes by getting in the way when he goes for a kick. The distraction helps The Butcher and The Blade take control, as the latter drops Swerve with a neckbreaker on the floor. The duo gangs up on Stickland. The Bunny chokes Swerve over the ropes and helps her team maintain the advantage. They continue to dominate, thanks to more help from The Bunny. Strickland rallies with a diving uppercut.

Lee tags in and clears house with a flurry of offense. He throws The Blade onto The Butcher. The Butcher breaks up a double-team move, but Swerve drops him with a flatliner. The Butcher pulls Swerve into Lee’s path, so the big man accidentally trucks over him. The miscommunication gives The Butcher and The Blade the upper hand, and Lee breaks up a pinfall attempt after a clothesline at the last second. Lee squashes Blade in the corner, and the duo hits the powerbomb/diving stomp combination for the win.

WinnersKeith Lee and Swerve Strickland

After the match, Powerhouse Hobbs says Strickland and Lee are pissing them off. Hobbs calls Lee a “trick-ass bitch”. Starks says they have proven that Swerve and Lee are several levels below them. The FTW Champion says he’ll beat Swerve up right now, and he starts to say that they’re the best tag team before the Young Bucks interrupt. The AEW World Tag Team Champions say they don’t have to apologize for anything because they started this company. Matt Jackson says everyone is eating well, but they set the table in the first place. Nick chimes in by calling both teams very good and commends them for having a four-star match at Double or Nothing before he notes that would be an off night for the Bucks. He points out that they beat Jurassic Express. Matt offers a proposal; he says they’ll put the titles in a three-way match next week against the two other teams.

In a promo, Malakai Black hypes up tonight’s world title match on behalf of Brody King.

In-Ring Segment: Eddie Kingston

Kingston comes to the ring and congratulates Wardlow on his win. He gives a shoutout to the winning team for Blood & Guts. “The Mad King” says he’s out there because he didn’t get to taste Chris Jericho’s blood, so he’s going to get him again. Jericho appears on the video screen and wants to show Kingston how crazy he can get. Behind him, Tay Conti slams Ruby Soho in a car door and warns him that he’ll suffer the same fate.

The Dark Order, with -1 (Brodie Lee Jr.) comes to the ring. John Silver says Rochester is Dark Order country. Evil Uno says the fans made Dark Order what it is today. He thanks the fans for their support. Uno declares that the six of them are here to stay, as Dark Order is forever. He says this is the beginning of a new chapter, which will be kicked off with a proclamation. He hands the microphone to -1, but QT Marshall interrupts and wonders how long we’ll have to deal with this “charity case.”

He says Brodie Lee Jr. isn’t his father. He tells -1 to send his friends to the back so they can face off man-to-man. Hangman Page comes out and confronts Marshall. Uno and Page punch Marshall and send him into the ring. The Dark Order gangs up on Marshall and leaves him lying. Uno carries -1 on his shoulders as Page looks on.

AEW Dynamite Results Continue On The Same Page!