gabe sapolsky

Gabe Sapolsky Returns To WWE In Creative Team Role

Triple H continues to put his team back together as Gabe Sapolsky has reportedly been rehired by WWE.

According to Mike Johnson of PWInsider, multiple sources have confirmed to him that the latest member of the Triple H regime to return to WWE is Gabe Sapolsky, who has been brought back as a member of the creative team.

It’s unknown at this time if he will be working again with NXT or as part of the WWE main roster.

Gabe Sapolsky was released back in January and is the latest member of the Triple H regime that has been brought back to the company. Both Road Dogg Jesse James and Ryan Katz were recently brought back as well.

Sapolsky is best known for launching EVOLVE and Dragon Gate USA. He was also the first head booker of Ring of Honor when the company launched two decades ago.

Although Sapolsky hasn’t exactly confirmed the report, he posted a new profile picture on social media of himself and Triple H backstage at a live event.

READ MORE: Gabe Sapolsky Recalls The Time Bryan Danielson And Jon Moxley Almost Wrestled Without A Ring at Dragon Gate USA

What are your thoughts on Triple H rehiring Sapolsky? Do you think he’s a better fit for NXT or the WWE main roster? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.