matt cardona
Photo Credit: Nick Karp

Matt Cardona Recalls Hiding His Engagement Ring In A Toy Casket

People often have to come up with creative ways to keep engagement rings hidden when they’re planning to propose to their significant other, and Matt Cardona leaned on his love of action figures to protect it.

Speaking with Dominic DeAngelo in an AdFreeShows exclusive interview, Matt Cardona recalled how he hid the ring in a toy casket that came with his Undertaker Bone Crunching Action figure in order to make sure his soon-to-be fiancée (at the time) Chelsea Green wouldn’t find it . He noted that he wound up telling The Undertaker about it when The Miz pushed him to do so.

“When I proposed to Chelsea Green before WrestleMania 35, I had to bring the ring with me. I knew, not that she was gonna look through my bags, but you never know. Maybe she’s looking for her toothbrush, there’s the ring. If I hide in the hotel room, maybe she’s looking. You never know. So I brought my Bone Crunching Action Undertaker casket, and I hid the ring in there because I thought there’s no f——way she’s gonna look in the casket. There’s no f—— way. She’s gonna go, ‘Oh, it’s one of Matt’s f—— toys.’ She’s not gonna open the casket. It’s not like she’s looking for the f—— tombstone shovel accessory. So I think The Miz forced me to tell Undertaker that. I think he popped for it, or he thought he I was f—— nuts, one or the other.”

Cardona and Green got married on December 31, 2021. Green returned to WWE at the Riyal Rumble 2023, and Cardona continued to compete for GCW, NWA, and other promotions.

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