randy orton
Photo Credit: WWE

Cody Rhodes Once Witnessed Randy Orton Rip A Urinal Off Of The Wall On WWE Tour

Go Home and Be a Family Man? Nah, Cody Rhodes won’t have it.

During a WrestleMania 38 media gathering, Cody Rhodes shared a story about how reformed “family man” Randy Orton once ripped a urinal off of the wall during a WWE tour of Cape Town, South Africa. 

This would have taken place a short time after Rhodes was called up to the main roster, so this was the first time he’d ever seen Orton. Rhodes said Orton proceeded to rip the urinal off of the wall, demonstrating what Rhodes praised as superhuman strength.

“The one that I was a little shocked — I was told that Randy Orton is like a family man now, and doesn’t get in trouble. I won’t have it. Because the very first time I met Randy, very first time I saw Randy, we were in Cape Town, South Africa, at the TV hotel, or [hotel] for that tour. Really nice hotel. And I walk by the men’s bathroom, and he had his hands around the urinal and he goes, ‘Hey, Code! Look at this!’ And he yanked the entire urinal out of the wall,” Rhodes explained.

“Like superhuman strength, plaster ripping off of the thing, a flood just sweeping out into the lobby, and he giggled. And I thought, ‘I don’t know if I got what it takes to be a wrestler.’ I don’t know,” Rhodes continued. “We had this big talent meeting the next day, there was security cameras, ‘Hey guys, we want to know who did it.’ He walked up in front of everybody and said, ‘Hey! I want to know who did it!’ [And I was taken back by his response] Like, what do you mean [you want to know who did it?]”

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