WWE RAW Results (4/25) – 2011 Draft, Huge Moves!

Wade Barrett vs Rey Mysterio 

Wade pounds on Rey then puts a knee in betweens his shoulders, but Rey fights out and kicks him then hits a cross body. Wade throws him in the corner and puts him up on the top turnbuckle, but Rey shoves him off and sets him up for a 619. Rey goes back up top and lands a corner splash and makes the cover.

Winner – Rey Mysterio

The two draft picks are Big Show and Alberto Del Rio… but you already knew that! The cameras show Alberto arguing in Spanish with Ricardo about what just happened. Brodus asks Alberto what about him, but Alberto ignores him and keeps arguing as we go to a commercial break.

CM Punk, Alberto Del Rio & The Miz vs Christian, Mark Henry & John Cena

Christian hip tosses Miz then tags in Cena, and Miz ducks outside as we go to a commercial. When we return, Cena hits a suplex on Miz and a dropkick on Punk, then tags in Mark Henry. He steps on Punk’s chest then drags him to the corner and tags in Christian, who hits a diving elbow drop off the middle turnbuckle. Christian gets distracted by Alberto and gets dropped by Punk, who makes the tag to Alberto. He hits a jumping corner kick then tags in Miz, and Miz keeps Christian away from his corner. Christian tries to fight back and make a tag but Miz pulls him down by his head and tags in Punk.

Punk and Miz use quick tags to keep Christian down, then Alberto gets back in and jumps and drops down on Christian’s arm. He continues to work on Christian’s arm but he reaches the ropes and the ref orders a break. Alberto tries taking Christian up top, but Christian punches him and hits a tornado DDT then finally gets the tag to Cena. Miz tags in and gets clotheslined by Cena, and Cena taunts Punk then turns around and gets taken out by his teammate Mark Henry! Henry knocks out Christian on the floor and Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale on Cena to win the match and the last pick!

Winners –

The pick is… JOHN CENA! Cena trades brands in the same night and he runs back in the ring and takes out Punk, Alberto, Riley and Miz. He hits a Five Knuckle Shuffle and goes for an Attitude Adjustment but Miz holds the ropes, so Cena just dumps him over the ropes on the other RAW guys. Cena puts on the shirt and celebrates as RAW goes off the air.




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