WWE “The Bash” PPV Results – June 28, 2009

WWEWWE “The Bash” Results — Page Three

June 28, 2009

Report By: Matt Boone for WrestleZone.com

Backstage: Randy Orton & Legacy

Randy Orton talking to Legacy about his three stages of hell match tonight. Legacy angry about the outcome of the tag-team match, Orton saying he doesn’t care, he’s got enough on his mind right now.

Women’s Championship Title Match

Melina vs. Michelle McCool

Melina comes out first as her music hits. She walks to the ring carrying her belt. Out next is Michelle McCool with Alicia Fox following closely behind.  Bell rings. Match begins. Melina elbows Michelle McCool in the face. Melina with a DDT to counter Michelle’s chokehold. McCool dropkicks Melina then attacking Melina’s left knee and an attempted cover. Melina kicks out, then holding her knee. McCool wraps Melina’s leg around the rope trying to break Melina’s knee. McCool drags Melina to the edge of the ring. Melina unable to stand up now, McCool kicking Melina over and over. Melina finally gets back up, McCool with a chopblock on Melina. Melina kicks McCool in the face. Melina with a highkick to McCool’s face and another two count. Melina goes to pin McCool but Alicia Fox puts McCool’s leg on the rope. Melina kicks Fox in the face, turning around just in time for McCool to kick Melina and try to pin her. McCool with the face breaker on Melina for the win.

Winner and New Women’s Champion: Michelle McCool

World Heavyweight Championship

Jeff Hardy vs. CM Punk (c)

As his music sounds, CM Punk walks to the ring with his belt around his waist, mocking Jeff Hardy. Next out is Jeff Hardy as his music and pyro start up in the arena. CM Punk kneeling in the ring mocking Jeff Hardy crying. After both are announced, the bell rings and the match begins. Both men standing on eitherside of the ring smiling. The crowd begins chanting “Hardy! Hardy!”. CM Punk attacks Hardy. They lockup in the middle of the ring. Jeff Hardy throws CM Punk off the ropes, CM Punk knocks Hardy down. The crowd once again begins chanting, “Hardy! Hardy!” Hardy tries the twist of fate but Punk escaped. Hardy throws Punk over the top and to the floor. Hardy slingshots himself over the top onto Punk on the floor. Hardy slams him against the barricade, he runs and leaps off the ring steps but misses the land on Punk. Punk rolls back in the ring as the ref continues the count. Punk does a little heel thing, pretending to want the count out. Hardy rolls in just in time after the ref got to nine in his count. Punk with a submission on Hardy. He lets it go and pins him but only gets two. Punk with a back-breaker into a pin, again for a two-count. Punk with a triangle choke on Hardy. Hardy gets his foot to the rope. The ref seperates them. CM Punk body slams Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy gains some momentum and hits a latteral press and attempted cover. CM Punk kicks out. Jeff Hardy picking up the pace now. Jeff Hardy leaps from the apron onto CM Punk with a closeline. Hardy and Punk back in the ring now. CM Punk with a roundhouse kick and a bulldog on Hardy. CM Punk tries to pin Hardy but once again, Hardy kicks out. Hardy staggering to his feet, CM Punk with several kicks, Jeff Hardy with a twist of fate out of nowhere. Jeff Hardy with a failed Swanton Bomb as CM Punk slides out of the way. CM Punk says it’s time for Hardy to go to sleep. Jeff Hardy craddles CM Punk for a two count. Punk with another roundhouse kick to the face on Hardy. Hardy with another Twist of Fate right near the corner of the ring, this time getting the Swanton Bomb on CM Punk. Jeff Hardy hooks the leg for the three count. As Jeff Hardy is standing in victory, the ref says CM Punk’s leg was under the rope, breaking the count. The match is restarted. Jeff Hardy with an elbow directly to CM Punk’s eye. The ref stops the match for a moment, CM Punk kicks the ref in the back then runs back to grab his eye in the corner of the ring. The ref stops the match. Hardy wins by DQ. CM Punk keeps his belt. CM Punk sitting in the corner hugging his belt.

Winner via DQ: Jeff Hardy

After the Match:

Jeff Hardy yells at CM Punk, “you cheated! you kicked him on purpose!” then begins to attack CM Punk, taking him from the ramp back to the ring, throwing Punk in. Jeff Hardy attacking CM Punk. 4 refs jump into the ring pulling Hardy off of CM Punk. CM Punk staggering to his feet still holding his eye, Jeff Hardy spears CM Punk, the refs once again grab Jeff Hardy as CM Punk rolls out of the ring and is assisted up the ramp by a ref as he holds his left eye. CM Punk picks his belt back up off the ramp and hugs it once again.

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