Ring of Honor “Death Before Dishonor IX” iPPV Results: 9/17

Results Courtesy of Bryan Alvarez and F4WOnline.com:

1. Tommaso Ciampa & Rhino beat Homicide & Jay Lethal. Fine opener. Lethal got the hot tag and it broke down into a four-way. Homicide tagged back in, Lethal took out Rhino, then Ciampa pinned Homicide with his back cracker finish. Ciampa was by far the greenest guy in the ring, but he got the pin.

2. Shelton Benjamin beat Mike Bennett. Highlight of the match was the various chants, nearly all directed at Mike Bennett, whom the crowd HATED. I mean, they hated this man. He got the heat and worked over Shelton's back. Shelton did the big comeback, then Brutal Bob hit the ring right in front of the ref. It was like a TNA finish, the difference being that they actually did it very well so I was fine with it. And nothing got sprayed in anyone's eyes. Shelton tried to kick Bob, Bob spun him around, Shelton did his kick but hit Bennett, which looked great, then superkicked Bob outside and hit the paydirt on Bennett for the pin.

3. Young Bucks beat Bravado Brothers and Future Shock in a three-way elimination match. This was a hell of a lot of fun. It was like one long train wreck with a bunch of really cool three-way spots mixed in. Fans loved it and were chanting "THIS IS AWESOME!" and "THIS IS WRESTLING!" Bravados were eliminated first, then the Bucks used their combo 450/moonsault finish for the pin. The whole point of this match appeared to be to put over the Bucks and alert the world that they were, in fact, very talented despite what "a third-rate wrestling announcer" might have claimed. This was a reference to Booker T, obviously.

4. Generico NC Jimmy Jacobs. Only problem with the match was that it was largely heatless. The work was very good. Generico went for his top rope brainbuster but Jacobs turned it into a super DDT. Suddenly, through the crowd came Kevin Steen. He was SHOOTING on the mic and they cut him off, then security came out. The highlight of the brawl was when Generico tried to do a running dive onto him but Steen moved and Generico wiped out like twenty security guys. That was awesome. Steen tried to give Cary Silken the package piledriver, but it was broken up, then Cornette came out and was screaming at Steen and even threw a wild punch. Fans were super into it, screaming for Steen. The melee was very much like the one they ran with him on the last PPV.