*Spoilers:* WWE Superstars Matches & Post Raw Miz/Rock

WWE RawThanks to Daniel Monacelli for sending this in:

Dark Match:

Brodus Clay beat Michael Mcgillicutty

SuperStars Matches:

Primo and Epico beat Alex Riley and Mason Ryan

Beth Phoenix and Eve beat Natalya and Tamina Snuka

Other Notes:

During the commercial breaks Daniel Bryan talked shortly and said Rocky Bolba was a loser and Dolph Ziggler talked smack about how he is going to steal the show at Wrestlemania.

After the show ended Miz came out and said he wasn't leaving until he got his Wrestlemania match so the Rock came out and confronted him. Miz ran down the Phillies and Chase Utley and the Eagles. Big people's elbow chant and Rock said that's why he loves Philly. Then the Miz said he wanted to be in the Rocks corner at Wrestlemania and they could do movies together. Miz wanted the Rock to shake his hand so the Rock did and said this is the city of brotherly love but I'm not your brother bitch, then rock bottomed the miz and hit the people's elbow.


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